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Yes. You'd better be able to document to your PO (or the court) a REALLY good faith effort to secure employment.

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Q: If having a job is a condition for probation and you don't can you be violated?
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Can a felon get ssi if he violated probation?

If a felon violated probation he'd probably go back "inside" and wouldn't be eligible for SSI under those circumstances.

Is it legal for probation to violate a minor for not talking in drug and alcohol counselingshe goes but dont talk?

The short answer is: Yes, someone can be violated for that. Probation is a privilege afforded by the Court, the conditions of which must be adhered to strictly. The Judge is afforded a wide latitude of discretion in determining whether someone has violated probation conditions. Generally, drug and alcohol counseling is a condition of probation in cases (particularly for a minor) where the Court is trying to give the kid a second chance. The last thing the judge will want to hear is that the kid was not "participating" in the drug and alcohol counseling. Rather, if the counsel reports to the probation department the kid just sat there (and in essence, treated the counseling like a joke, thereby thumbing his/her nose at the judge), the kid can have a fun few months in jail. Tell the kid to wise-up and say a few things at counseling, or risk heading straight to the clink.

What happens if you dont go to probation revocation hearing?

If it was YOUR probation that was being discussed, you can pretty much bet that youir probation was probably revoked.

Can a child on CHINS probation have the probation revoked at the age of 18 in the state of Alabama?

well, i dont know if this is correct, but one of my guy friends is in juivie becasue of probation

How do you violate probation?

Violation of probation means the violation of terms and conditions, standard or special, of probation. It can be anything ranging from staying past curfew to being arrested for a new crime (and a conviction is not necessary for this to happen). Your probation could be revoked or modified. If the former is true you can be sentenced to jail or prison as you would had you not been put on probation.

A person who claims her First Amendment rights were violated would have her case tried in?

I dont KNOW the Answer?

How long would you go to jail if you dont report to your probation officer?

For ur life

Is Paris Hilton still on probation 2010?

I dont think so. I believe she got 36 months probation in January 2007, which would mean it had expired in January 2010.

Can a person on a probation violation ask for a trial?

yes you can dont worry about it i was in the same situation before.

What happens if i pay my fines for probation but don't report?

that is still violating your probation if you dont report, you wont have to give them money no more but they aint going to forget about you, they can send out a bench warrent.

What will happen if you flee your misdemeanor probation in Wyoming?

nothing if you dont go back to wyoming. it is just a misdemeanor. they dont care just stay out of their state.

Did The Alien and Sedition Acts violated the First Amendment which guarantees freedom of speech and press?

truei dont think it did