

If humans like to taste blood are they vampires?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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No there are no vampires. Vampires are NOT real and only exist in movies and stories.

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Q: If humans like to taste blood are they vampires?
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If humans like to taste blood are they humans?

yes, and there is no existence of vampires.

Do vampires like cow blood?

Somee vampires do, some vampires dont. It basically depends on there taste. But if you ask me, vampires like any type of blood.

What are ghost vampires?

invisible people her bite you and like the taste of your blood

How do you spot a half vampire?

vampires do exist, but there are no half vampires. vampires are not like they are in the films, they don't 'sparkle' have super-speed or strength, they are not immortal and they don't turn into bats. they are just like humans only they drink blood. drinking blood to vampires is like food to humans, they can also survive on normal food to.

Do vampires like humans but not to drink their blood?

Yes think of Edward and Bella from Twilight

Why can't vampires drink blood?

If you think about it, blood is an organism just like humans. So in other words blood is alive. So if the blood is dead then it lacks the nutrition vampires need to survive.

Why do vampires need blood to live?

Its like us humans eating food, they need blood to live, and therefore make them strong. I think its how they made vampires drink blood, because they are seductive creatures of darkness, and that's where blood comes in, blood is as seductive as vampires.

Why can't vampires drink dead blood?

If you think about it, blood is an organism just like humans. So in other words blood is alive. So if the blood is dead then it lacks the nutrition vampires need to survive.

What do vampirs do?

Vampires drink blood to survive, and they live their lives like humans do for the most part.

What diffenrent between vegetiran vampires and blood sucker vampire?

Vegetarian vampires are on like a diet they eat animals and decide not to kill now this keeps them alive buy not as strong as a blood sucker as you call it these vampires feed on humans and human blood

How are vampires reproduced?

vampires are reproduced just like humans

How do vampires dress?

like humans