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If you brush your teeth once in a day and use mouthwash at night, your teeth will be really good when you get your braces off.

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Q: If i brush my teeth once a day really good and use mouthwash at night what will happen when i get my braces off?
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Is it bad to brush your teeth with mouthwash instead of toothpaste?

Well, not really. I brush my teeth with Biotene Mouthwash, the i wash my mouth with Act Anticavity Mouthwash. Hope this helps! :)

How can you make a good oral hygiene regimen with braces on?

brush twice a day,gargle well after every meal. use the mouthwash once everyday.

How do you brush teeth with braces?

Yes, when you get braces, the dentist gives you a small tooth brush and you brush in between the braces

Do you use mouthwash before or after you brush your teeth?

It is recommended that mouthwash be used after brushing your teeth.

Why do you use tooth paste when you brush your teeth?

Because they really haven't created anything else to clean your teeth besides mouthwash

Do you have to brush your teeth to get braces?

Of course. And if you don't , then you can brush your dentures.

If you brush your teeth in the morning and mouthwash at night will that wear out your enamel?

No, it is normal to brush your teeth twice a day then floss, followed by rinsing your mouth with mouthwash. It will not cause wear on the enamel.

What is the most important way to prevent dental disease?

brush your teeth! brush your teeth! and floss! dont forget to floss! and rinse with mouthwash! dont forget the mouthwash! and how about that toothpaste! make sure you brush after EVERY MEAL!

Can you brush your teeth with wax on your braces?


What will happen if you brush your tongue every time you brush your teeth?

you get a really fresh breath and clean teeth

Are knew braces supost to hurt when you brush your teeth?

Yes, because your teeth are sore for a few days after getting braces, so naturally it hurts to brush.

Can you eat bagels with braces?

Yes. It wont hurt your braces, just make sure to brush after.