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Q: If i came to you and said that i found what appears to be an apple growing in the ground and it taste like oranges you said that's an apple without tasting it what would you call that in one word?
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What is the best tasting cake without chocolate of fruit?

coffee cake

How can you find out what a liquid is without smelling or tasting it?

i don't really know sorry?!

How do you test sour and bitter substances without tasting them?

There are a few different ways you could test for sour and bitter substances without tasting them. You could test for the presence of elements that make something sour or bitter for example.

Are oranges with seeds better than oranges without seeds?

yes, that means they are more organic and real

How can you tell that white powder is salt without tasting it?

Dissolve it in water, feed it to the fishes;)

How long do oranges last without refrigeration?

Oranges can last from 2-3 weeks if left out of the refrigerator. Or 2 months if stored in the refrigerator.

Why is there an orange?

Because oranges have always been oranges since the dawn of it's own very existance. For what is an orange without itself being an orange?

Can oranges that lay under a tree for a long time be eaten without adverse effect?

No, if the oranges are old enough they will be spoiled and could make you sick.

Why are the oranges important?

Oranges have an enjoyable flavor, and are a good source of vitamin C. Of course, that is also true of many other types of fruit, so it is certainly possible to survive without oranges. But oranges are a valuable addition to a person's diet.

Can you eat oranges and breastfeed?

Oranges can cause diarrhea or colic symptoms in some newborns. But most people can eat them without any problems while breastfeeding.

ER without ribosomes looks what under the microscope?

With ribosomes it appears rough, but without them it appears smooth

How did it come about that the English who grow no oranges developed a tradition for orange marmalade almost unknown in the countries that do grow oranges?

The English occupied a lot of countries where oranges grew, but it was hard to transport these oranges back to England without a lot of spoilage. The oranges that started to rot while underway, where cooked up with sugar and put into jars, which could be kept longer.