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Q: If i had had giardia would my stool look like worms?
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Why would a dog have blood watery stool and itchy butt?

Sounds like he may have worms Probably a severe parasitic infection of some sort. You need to take him to a vet as soon as possible.

Is it better or worse to have worms in stool?

Depends where the worms are. If they are in your soil outside worms actually enrich that and you shouldn't remove them. However if ur talking about worms you can find in your body then yes they are bad because worms like the tape worm eat your food and grow inside you intestines....

What do hook worms look like it dog vomit?

If you're seeing worms in your dog's vomit, they are probably round worms. They kind of look like spaghetti noodles. You can't usually see hook worms with the naked eye. You should take a stool sample to your veterinarian to determine exactly what type of worms the dog has. Most puppies are born with round worms, but hooks are much more serious.

What does human round worms look like in feces?

What worms look like in human stool depends on the type of worm. A tape worm is flat and looks like rice, a hookworm in long and light colored, a meat worm is red and long.

Are what looks like normal crawly earthworms underneath a dog's stool intestinal parasites?

Yes. I would take the dog to the vet to make sure it does not have worms. If it does, they will give him or her some medicine to clear it right up.

What does it look like if a person has worms in there fecal?

If you think you or your loved one has worms. Put the stool in a plasic bag and take it to the hospital. They can run labs with it to know for sure. Having an icthy behind is a good sign you have them.

What does giardia look like?

I did not see the picture

Why would you have white sperm like substance in your stool?

It's possible that it is your body's natural lubrication to pass the stool or tapeworms.

What is the stool like with a ileostomy?

formed stool

What would cause white flat string in stool?

Most of the time, unless your dog has eaten a long white string, anything that comes out of the stool that looks like that is worms. They are long and flat and look like strings, but they are a parasite. It can become potentially dangerous to the animal, and I would suggest a trip to the vet. However, if that is not an option, dewormers are sold in Wal-mart and pet stores. You just follow the directions and mix it with their food. Good luck.

Why would corn in stool be red?

If the stool has blood in it, also could be due to red food dye from drinks like punch or gatorade.

What do cat worms look like?

There are three types of worm parasites common to felines. Roundworms, tapeworms and hookworms. There are also microscopic parasites. For more info go to this site.