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If you are failing the 8th grade, you would either be required to attend summer school or repeat the 8th grade.

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Q: If i was failing the 8th grade would they mention summer school for me?
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30% Is The general minimum 35% is required for summer School 45% required for Credit recovery

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Life goes on :) Basically, a D is not a failing grade; therefore, one can still pass 7th grade normally.

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A great deal of it will depend on the university and their specific rules and regulations. It can vary from a failing grade on the assignment, a failing grade for the class, or expulsion from the school

Im in seventh grade and im scared im going to go to summer school because of failing a class every marking period?

well I'm going in to 7th grade and i got summer school at pin er for failing math 1 time so don't be scared i am because i wont know anyone because i go to a private school and there all coming from dilling hamif you have any advice please help me also im hopeing to find a bf at summer school i said to myself might as well try to have fun. haha lol you should do the sameps. i havent been to summer school in 3 years so wish me luck and i wish u luck

Is a D- passing or failing in middle school?

It is a passing grade, but below average.

Why does summer goes fast during kids vacation?

People like summer school because they get bored at summer or they have low grades they're trying get them up and sometimes people need extra credit and they do sometimes give extra credit for the people that are failing. Summer school is not only for failing people but also for those people that needs to catch up and people don't really like summer school but they have to. If you have any bad grades you should go to summer school and you should catch up. Not only that what if you're about to fail you're grade and your friends are going to next grade that would be really embarrassing.

Do sixth grade have summer school?

Yes....yes it does.

Is a d grade passing in summer school?


Can you go to summer school at gonzales middle school in ascension parish if you failed seventh grade?

The only summer school offered in Ascension Parish is for those students who fail the LEAP test. That means you would have to be in the 4th, 8th, 10th, or 11th grade. I do think that you can attend summer school in EBR for 7th grade.

What if a Private School in TN has been refusing to graduate one of its students for almost a year now and the local board of education won't help and no money for a attorney.Have paid and a 3.7 gpa.?

Depends: If the student hasn't paid tuition prices and that's the reason they're failing, then they may need to go to summer school and complete to graduate. Contact a local middle/high school in you area to find out about summer school OR If the student if the student is just failing, then again they still may need to go to summer school or repeat the grade at a public school. It isn't up to private schools to pass a student, even though you're paying you still have to pass the grade just like everyone else.

You are in the 7th grade if you get a f for the first semester grade and a d for the second semester grade do you have to attend summer school to pass?

it depends on what school your in but in my school if you fail 1 grade for the whole school year your fine. fail 2 classes for the school year summer school 3 then you repeat so you should be fine and also D's are passing in my school