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Iron has several isotopes but the most common is Fe56. which is 92 percent of natural Iron, so I will describe that.

This has a nucleus with 26 protons and 30 neutrons. It therefore has 26 electrons and the electron shells contain 2, 8, 14, and 2 electrons (from inner to outer shells).

So color your protons and neutrons differently and stick 26 and 30 of these together for the nucleus, then arrange the electrons as described in orbits around the nucleus.

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โˆ™ 16y ago
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โˆ™ 1w ago

An iron atom consists of 26 protons and electrons, and typically 30 neutrons. A model of an iron atom can be represented as a nucleus (containing protons and neutrons) surrounded by electron shells. The nucleus would be in the center with electrons orbiting around it in specific energy levels.

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What did Rutherford picture te atom as?

Rutherford pictured the atom as a miniature solar system, with a dense positively charged nucleus at the center and electrons orbiting around it in fixed paths. This model is known as the Rutherford model of the atom.

What did schrodinger think the atom looked like?

Schrodinger proposed a mathematical model of the atom called the quantum mechanical model. In this model, electrons are described as wave functions that predict the probability of finding the electron in a given region around the nucleus, rather than definite paths. He did not offer a visual representation of what the atom physically looked like.

How does the Schrodinger Model of the atom treat electrons?

The Schrรถdinger model of the atom treats electrons as wave-like particles rather than as point-like particles in fixed orbits. It describes the behavior of electrons in terms of their probability distribution around the nucleus, known as electron clouds. The model allows for a more accurate description of electron behavior and allows us to predict the energy levels and properties of atoms.

Which scientist developed a model of the atom that looked like a nucleus surrounded by electrons?

Niels Bohr developed the planetary model of the atom, which depicts electrons orbiting a positively-charged nucleus in distinct energy levels. This model helped explain atomic emission spectra and laid the foundation for modern quantum mechanics.

Why is the current atomic model called the electron cloud model?

The current atomic model is called the electron cloud model because it describes electrons not as particles located at specific positions, but as existing within a cloud-like region around the nucleus, where they are most likely to be found. This model acknowledges the dual wave-particle nature of electrons and provides a more accurate representation of their behavior in an atom.

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To explain atomic emission spectra. Using the Bohr Model of a hydrogen atom, deriving the frequency of these emission lines is almost trivial. Without the Bohr Model, deriving them is impossible. Also, the "classical" model of electrons in an atom, acting like planets around a nucleus, would result in complete collapse of such an atom in a small fraction of a second.

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The Billiard Ball Model is John Dalton's idea of what an atom looks like.

In Niels Bohr's model of the atom electroms move like?

In Niels Bohr's model of the atom, electrons move in specific orbits or energy levels around the nucleus, much like planets orbiting the sun. These orbits are quantized, meaning electrons can only exist in certain allowed energy states.

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