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Q: If left untreated which sexually transmitted disease will eventually lead to damage of the internal organs and other physical problems such as paralysis numbness and gradual blindness?
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The procedure is used to treat cataracts.Cryotherapy is performed to remove the clouding protein matter from the lens. If left untreated, cataracts may eventually cause blindness

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The danger is it will probably lead to total blindness.

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If left untreated glaucoma causes blindness.

Can blood pressure cause a paralysis?

yes it can. If high blood pressure is left untreated, it can cause paralysis, loss of bodily function and motor skills are the result.

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West Nile virus can cause paralysis of hind legs as well as paralysis of other parts of the body. If left untreated, West Nile virus can be fatal.

Can trachoma be contagious?

The infection is highly contagious in its early stages. Blindness results from recurrent untreated infections.

What are the main symptons of River Blindness?

The main symptoms of River Blindness are a skin rash that can be intensely itchy, eye lesions, eye diseasy and nodules under the skin. River Blindness is most commonly found in the african tropics. It can lead to gradual blindness if untreated.

What is the usual outcome of untreated otosclerosis?

Untreated otosclerosis eventually results in total deafness, usually in both ears.

What is sifaless?

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease. Symptoms are sores, rash, muscle aches, and fatigue. Some people have no symptoms at all. If treated early enough, no permanent damage will be done, but if left untreated it can eventually lead to death.

What happens is papilledema is left untreated?

prolonged papilledema can result in permanent damage to the optic nerve which could lead to blindness.

What happens to a cat that's diabetic and cant go to a vet?

Untreated diabetes can result in blindness, gangrene extremities, even death.