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Q: If life were found on other worlds it would be called?
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Why can't Disney characters know about the other worlds?

I have no idea why this is under Disney Theme parks, but I am going to take a wild guess here and say that you are talking about kingdom hearts. The reason the Disney characters can't know about other worlds is similar to what would happen if people in real life found out there were a lot of other planets out there that held life, there would be mass hysteria.

Where would you find one of the worlds smallest frogs?

In th earth of course and it can be found in amazon forest =))))

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Shalaztra, the Pivot of the Worlds. It has neither bottom nor top, and though it appears to descend and ascend in straight lines, it curves throughout all worlds in a corkscrew fashion. It is to be found on the face of a wandering hooded man. I would not recommend approaching him.

How much would 100lbs be on the other 7 planets?

There is a cool calculator you can use to see any weight as it would be on other planets and moons. click on this link:Your Weight on Other Worlds

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That would propably be the Bagger 288. Buildt in Germany by the company called Krupp. (Now ThyssenKrupp)

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That would depend on weather you are talking about one world or many worlds.

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The worlds first civillization would probably be Mesopotamia.

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probablt not because i mean whatever is supposed to desyroy the earth would destroy everything so any plan would not be safe. unless we found a way to live on an other planet. but that's not likely too much money and we would have no technology

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It depends what the Audit returns. If you have been found to be paying an incorrect amount of tax it would be called: Tax Evasion but there are other forms of legal issues you would encounter should your tax be incorrect,

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I would return it i found something to identify who the purse belonged to. other wise i would keep it.

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That would be called a Gamete.