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No, this is not a possibility.

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Q: If many nuclear bombs were used would the atmosphere detonate?
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How many nuclear bombs would you have to detonate to equal how much energy the Sun puts out in one second?

One, if it had enough yield.

Does the Great Wall have an inside?

of course it has an inside were else would they keep the nuclear bombs BIATCH of course it has an inside were else would they keep the nuclear bombs BIATCH of course it has an inside were else would they keep the nuclear bombs BIATCH of course it has an inside were else would they keep the nuclear bombs BIATCH of course it has an inside were else would they keep the nuclear bombs BIATCH of course it has an inside were else would they keep the nuclear bombs BIATCH of course it has an inside were else would they keep the nuclear bombs BIATCH of course it has an inside were else would they keep the nuclear bombs BIATCH of course it has an inside were else would they keep the nuclear bombs BIATCH of course it has an inside were else would they keep the nuclear bombs BIATCH

What would happen if the US sent two nuclear bombs to the north and south poles?

Depending on the strength of the warheads of the nuclear bombs, they would melt a considerable amount of ice and put radiation into the atmosphere. However, the damage would be mostly local and unnoticed.

Could nuclear explosions harm the atmosphere?

yes exended use of nuclear bombs would send tons of debris and dust in the air that will block out the sun

What would happen if 5000 atomic bombs detonate in the middle of a black hole?

If atomic bombs entered a black hole, they wouldn't be able to detonate; instead, they would initially be stretched and crushed, and as they travel beyond the event horizon, they would be converted into gravitational energy. However, if you wereable to manage to get 5000 atomic bombs inside a black hole and detonate them, nothing would happen. The black hole would continue to exist as it always had; it would just be 5000-atomic-bombs-worth-of-weight heavier.

Where would terrorist detonate a nuclear bomb?

Washington DC , Panama Canal ,

Which countries have nuclear bombs now and do nuclear reactions bring about global warming?

A sufficiently large nuclear war would not cause global warming. Instead it would cause a Nuclear Winter: massive global cooling due to enormous amounts of soot in the atmosphere. This would probably result in an ice age.

Are atomic bombs different from nuclear bombs?

Both basically are the same, they can be fission or fusion bombs like Uranium,Plutonium and Hydrogen bombs. A general description would be that atomic bombs are fission bombs. Nuclear bombs are fusion bombs. Fusion bombs are more powerful weight for weight

What are some bad thing about nuclear bombs?

Nuclear bombs are so powerful, and release so much radioactive fallout, that any large-scale use of nuclear bombs would kill everbody and make the world uninhabitable.

What would be the reaction if 2 neutron bombs and 2 nuclear bombs exploded in the same place?


How many nuclear bombs would it take to destroy sydney?


How do you make nuclear winter model?

Start by assuming some 'facts' that would start a nuclear winter. How many bombs must be dropped to actually start a nuclear winter situation? For each bomb, how much dust is kicked up into the atmosphere? Of that, how much will stay in the upper atmosphere? How much sunlight will then be reflected, causing the cooling effect? Make all these estimations. Keep going from there.