

If matter if still begins to move then?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: If matter if still begins to move then?
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it went from having potential to kinetic energy

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In solid form, atoms have the least amount of movement (although they still move slightly).

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Dark matter is able to move, but it interacts very weakly with other matter, which makes it difficult to detect. It is thought to move under the influence of gravity and can form structures like galaxies and galaxy clusters. However, its exact properties and behavior are still not fully understood.

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They move

What happens in order for matter to move?

A force must be applied to cause matter to move.

When you add energy to matter particles move?

faster. and matter then would move slower

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When matter is heated, its particles move faster. This increased kinetic energy causes the particles to vibrate and move more rapidly, leading to an increase in temperature.

In which state of matter can particles move over each other but still be mutually to e3ach other?

Particles can move over each other while still being mutually attracted to each other in the liquid state. In liquids, the particles have enough energy to slide past each other while still experiencing intermolecular forces that keep them close together, giving liquids their characteristic ability to flow.

What must happen in order for matter to move?

A force must be applied to cause matter to move.