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The fact that a company can be analogised to a tree does not mean that a partially related idea (money) can be said to grow on trees. The two facts are completely independent. Banks are said to have branches because of the way such a company is organised. The head executive could be called the root system; the main lines of communication and function are likened to the trunk; and each link to a particular are is likened to a branch or subbranch.

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Q: If money does not grow on trees then why do banks have branches?
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Why doesn't money grow on trees?

Technically, Money does grow on trees seeing as for trade (i.e. Fruit and paper). Back in the 1800's trading was used as money such as wood. Also U.S. paper money is made from 25% Linen and 75% Cotton which comes from a plant, aka, a tree based source. Also, Banks have branches which is a tree similarity. The quotation means that money doesn't grow like fruit, ready for you to pick it whenever you need more. You shouldn't throw your money away because you will have to work to earn more.

What is the origin of money doesn't grow on trees?

In ancient India, people used money trees to store their coins. A money tree was a flat piece of metal, shaped like a tree, with metal branches. At the end of each branch was a round disk with a hole in the center. Each of these disks was an ancient Indian coin. When you needed money, you simply broke off a coin from your money tree.

Do orchard banks help money to grow?

Orchard banks help money to grow in certain ways. Card carriers get special benefits. If you have an online account for Orchard Bank too, you get everyday special offers as well. This bank lets you keep track of your account and such, which helps with understand where the money is going or growing.

Does money come from trees?

Well, money is actually not made out of paper, it is made out of 75% cotton and 25% linen fibers. Therefore, no, money does not come from trees. However, planting a tree, may get you money. Plant an apple tree, get apples to eat or sell. Use the seeds to plant more trees, therefore giving you more apples to sell.

What do banks do with your money?

Basically, they borrow it so that they can use it for different things. Sometimes, they lend out money to other customers. Other times, they may use the money to pay expenses, making sure to keep a decent protion of money deposited just in case someone needs to withdraw money. Occasionally, they invest it in other companies that they feel will help the money grow.

Related questions

If money dont grow on trees why do banks have branches?

I thought you'd have twigged that yourself.

If money doesnt grow on trees then why do banks have branches?

Isn't it a bit unnerving that doctors call what they do "practice?" (:

If money doesn't grow on trees then why do banks have branches tradução?

Ha ha that's a good one

What do branches do for trees?

they help them grow.

If money doesn't grow on trees then y banks have branches?

actually money does grow on trees in a way... You see because, money is paper... right? and paper is made from trees. so in a sense, money does grow on trees! But others have other theories like, 'some paper is made from elephant poop! so if its made of that... money must also come from elephant poop!' , but that's a theory and not plain facts. I hope this will serve everyone well! From, Dragonmonkey That is partley true but technically money dosent grow on trees because it grows as a tree and then goes through a process in which it turns into paper and then is put through another process to turn it in to money....By SpenceGurl Um, actually there is zero paper in money. It is 25% linen and 75% cotton.

Money never grow on trees?

physicly, money doesn't grow on trees. but money is made out of paper, and paper comes from trees. so money doesn't grow on trees but the trees make paper, which makes money. hope u enjoyed ur answer!

Why doesn't money grow on trees?

Technically, Money does grow on trees seeing as for trade (i.e. Fruit and paper). Back in the 1800's trading was used as money such as wood. Also U.S. paper money is made from 25% Linen and 75% Cotton which comes from a plant, aka, a tree based source. Also, Banks have branches which is a tree similarity. The quotation means that money doesn't grow like fruit, ready for you to pick it whenever you need more. You shouldn't throw your money away because you will have to work to earn more.

What type of tree do branches grow downward?

Trees like weeping willows have branches which hang downwards.

How do trees grow branches?

A lateral bud, which is a meristem, expands.

Why would epiphytes grow on the branches of trees instead of on the forest floor?

so they get as much sunlight as the trees do.

What does it mean when someone says money doesn't grow on trees?

It means that you have to work for money, it's not easy to come by. People will say money doesn't grow on trees, because typically trees are abundant, and the things that grow on trees are easy to get. You have to work for true money.

When do I trim my white pine trees in Indiana?

White pines don't need to be trimmed. You can trim off lower branches as the trees grow but leave enough branches to support the trees health.