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Q: If one incoming impulse causes several outgoing nerve impulses you know that there is a?
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What are the different types of impulse in human neural system?

I'm not sure you're asking this question correctly. The human neural system has several nerves which send impulses to different parts of the brain in order to achieve different actions. In order for this to happen, the impulses have to travel through a variety of different channels. The chemical changes that occur for these impulses to successfully get from point A to point B, give those impulses different states. But there is only one "type" of impulse.

What does mcc stand for?

One description for mcc is motor control center. It is an electrical panel or cubicle which houses the one electrical incoming feeder several outgoing power feeders.

What MCC stands for?

One description for mcc is motor control center. It is an electrical panel or cubicle which houses the one electrical incoming feeder several outgoing power feeders.

How can you know sim call ditails?

You can find out your sim call details several ways. Usually, there is a call log on the phone that tracks incoming and outgoing calls. You can also log onto your personal account of the phone carrier to retreive phone call details.

Does a nerve provided impulses for many muscle fibers or just few?

A nerve can stimulate impulses to several muscle fibers. When muscle fibers are grouped they form a single muscle group like the biceps.

What crosses a synapse?

Answer is Neurotrasmitters. There are several hundred types of neurotransmitters in brain. Some of them are Dopamine,Serotonin,acetylcholine,Adrenaline, Nor-adrenaline, Histamine,pep-tide neurotransmitters, certain amine acids. So impulse of depolarization flows across the nerve fiber and there is closed space between junction of two nerves, where chemical substances flows across, carrying the impulses to next nerve. After impulse is given to the next nerve fiber by say acetylcholine, then it will be destroyed by the enzyme acetylcholinesterase. Nor-adrenaline is taken up back by the nerve fiber.

What is impulse momentum equation?

It is F*t = m*dV or F*t = m*v - m*uwhere:F is the force, acting for time t,m is the mass of the object, dV it the change in its velocityu and v are the velocities of the object before and after the impulse.

When nerve impulses from several presynaptic neurons stimulate a single postsynaptic neuron at the same time it is called?

chemical synapse

Where visual images are perceived?

In the primary visual cortex. Information passes from the retina to the bipolar cells, these impulses travel through the optic nerve, which is made up of the axons of ganglion cells, and extend to several regions of the brain including the thalamus. The impulses are then sent further along neurones, to the primary visual cortex, where further processing of the information occurs.

I want to lock several incoming messages. Can't find in manual?

If you are trying to lock incoming messages and have referred to the manual without answers, you may need to contact your device provider for assistance. If you are referring to a cell phone, you will need to contact their technical assistance team for advice on how to do this.

What characterizes Lennox-Gastaut syndrome?

It is characterized by several types of seizures , developmental delay, and behavioral disturbances such as poor social skills and lack of impulse control.

What is the function of a prokaryote?

Bacteria and blue-green algae are prokaryotic cells. They serve several purposes. Bacteria are useful in decomposition and are present in our digestive system. Blue-green algae are part of the food chain in ponds and lake.