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Actually, if one kidney fails, the Good Lord has given us another one as a spare! People GIVE one of their kidneys as organ donators ALL the time, with almost no ill effects!

The kidney is the onlly organ that we actually have a full spare of. Many, many people function very well on only one kidney.

While we are on the subject, discuss your wishes with your family, in case of a tragedy, so they know that you want to be an organ donor. There are people dying right now needlessly because people just never thought about it, and never checked the box at the "Registry of Motor Vehicles".

Especially young kids, there is a huuuge shortage of organs for pediatric patients. Size is a factor in organ donation, so kids get left out all the time. Wouldnt you want to turn a tragedy into a possible life saving experience for five or six kids? I know that if something, GOD FORBID, happened to my 16 yr old, I would not hesitate to offer his organs for immediate use, no matter what the level of grief I was in.

Go to DONATELIFE.COM for more information!!! Consider LIVE organ donation, liver, or kidney to a person in need of your help.

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Q: If one kidney failswhat are the chances of the other kidney functioning?
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there are two kidneys in the human body if one kidney is donated there is no effect on the normal functioning of the body

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Surgeons don't remove half of a kidney, so you must mean can someone live with a half-functioning kidney. Yes, a person can live with one kidney only functioning at half capacity. The other kidney picks up the workload. However, if the other kidney begins failing, the person will need dialysis to live.

Can you get another kidney if you lost one of your own?

Probably not if you've just lost one (but the other one is working fine); if your one remaining kidney had servery reduced function, you would require a transplant. To get a kidney transplant, your kidney(s) must be functioning at 5% or lower.

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Can a person lead a normal life with one kidney?

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With kidney failure does both kidneys stop or just one?

Kidney's don't fully cease functioning when they fail, but neither are they effective at doing their purpose in the body (cleaning wastes out of the blood stream). Complete kidney failure occurs when both kidneys are incapable of functioning.

Can you live without a kidney?

Yes. There are two million nephrons in the body. Losing one nephron won't make a difference. Without any nephrons (End Stage Renal Disease), people can survive on a renal diet and with dialysis.

Are both kidneys equal in size?

Normal kidneys are usually of approximately equal size, but it is common that one of them is smaller and has inferior function compared to the other. Many people have only one functioning kidney without even knowing about it.

How does the kidney disease spread to other people?

Most of the kidney diseases are not transmitted from one person to other.

Why does a person die if his kidneys stop functioning?

at first, the kidney's function is to filter liquid waste from salt. if the kidney is not healthy then the the waste cannot be filtered well. in that case some other organs can be affected which can cause severe ailments and even death if not cured. the kidney is one of the greatest fuctioning organs of the body. it should be taken care just like other organs.

How does kidney failure affect homeostasis?

Kidney stones can block the flow of urine through the kidney, ureters, and/or urethra, depending on where they are lodged. The ureters are tubes from the kidney to the bladder, and the urethra is the tube from the bladder to the outside. There are other consequences that can happen because of kidney stones, as well. There are microtubules and other components in the kidneys that can be damaged or scarred, for someone who gets kidney stones frequently. The other problem with kidney stones is that when they cause urine flow to slow or back up, the potential for inflammation and infection is increased. People that are frequently troubled by kidney stones are at a higher risk for Chronic Renal Disease.

How many Desert Storm Veterans got kidney disease?

3 years after my husband returned he had unidentified cyst on kidney civilian docs removed it and was afraid it spread to other one thank God it didn't spread VA says no to any kidney problems but if you search for kidney ailments in the gulf areas like Iraq, Kuwait, etc they all have it and lung diseases looks like Goodpastures disease to me, government wont recognise husband lungs are almost non functioning God bless our soldiers and Veterans Thank you