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twoard there community service because he was not sent to jail yet.

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Q: If one was not seen by a judge and put in jail for a week should that be put towards there sentence andor community service?
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no, Community service should not be required unless they have done something to harm the community.

Should American citizens have to complete a year of community service?

No they should not

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Should all graduates be required to do community service before commencing their careers?

No it is purely of their choice weather they want to do community service

Should all Americans citizens have to complete a year of community service?

No they should not

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Are you asking about a scheduling problem? If your community service conflicts with jury duty, you should speak with the organizer of the community service and request that your time slot be moved. You cannot ignore a jury duty summons.

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Community service for students can help develop important values like empathy and civic responsibility. Making it mandatory ensures that all students have the opportunity to contribute to their community and learn the importance of giving back. However, some argue that mandating community service may diminish the genuine desire to help others, and that volunteering should be a personal choice rather than a requirement.

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No, the sentence has a spelling error. It should be: "This group of women has been ambassadors in our community."

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No, "customer service" should not be capitalized unless it is part of a title or at the beginning of a sentence.

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Whether or not to capitalize the word "service" in a sentence depends on the specific context. If "Service" is being used as part of a proper noun (e.g. Customer Service), then it should be capitalized. Otherwise, if it is just a common noun, it should not be capitalized unless it is the first word in a sentence.

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Citizens should work towards the betterment of their community through economic participation, public service, volunteer work, and other such efforts to improve life for all citizens. -Credit to Wikipedia

Our Community gives donations to the needy. Should the word community be capitalized in this sentence?

Not in this example. If it was part of a title then it would be in capitals.