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not likely. should be gone in 72 hours(3 days).

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Q: If only used once could a lortab be detected in 5 days?
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Good question. I have never had a positive test after 5 days, and only once after 4 days (and that was a bit suspect). It depends on how much you have been taking and also your own metabolism. If you are still constipated (not loose stools), it may still be detected at 5 days but its unlikely.

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You should never smoke unless prescribed by a doctor. I believe it will always be in your system in one form or another

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bet on 30 days.. if you smoke it once it could be out in 10-15 days and if you smoke it every once in a while it could take 2-3 weeks... but in all honesty bet on 30-45 days because thats the usual time for people who just smoke, not to mention if you are slightly to moderately over weight..

Do Lortab and Valium show up the same in a urine test?

No. Lortab is hydrocodone, which is an opiate and will show up on an opiate test. Valium is a benzodiazepine and will show up as that on a benzo test. Once again, i am not a pharmacist, nor do i have any pharmacological training, so, be careful out there!

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I suppose it could, but it doesn't, not even close. It rotates about once in 27.3 days.

Can drug tests detect one joint?

Yes, if you inhaled and got high, it will detect it because it's in your bloodstream. It may not stay there very long if you are an infrequent smoker, but it will be detectable.` once in your system it can be detected for 31 days

You have light bleeding like once a day for like 3 days but havent started your period?

you could be pregnant

What could cause my period to be 12 days late and then last for 13 days once I actually get it?

Your period could have come late because you may have ovulated later. A menstrual cycle can be affected by stress alone.

Can you take Lortab and cyproheptadine at the same time?

Yes, but you will be more sedated than usual. The first time you try this, do it in the morning when you' not sleeping. Then, once you know how you react, you can proceed accordingly.

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Detain individual and alert SF

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