

Best Answer

Yes, we don't use radar to measure the distance to the Sun directly.

However, we can use radar to measure the distance to objects like the

Moon and Venus, which will reflect radar.

We can measure the Venus to Earth distance when Venus is between us

and the Sun (more or less). Then we can simply use Kepler's 3rd Law to

derive the Earth to Sun distance.

Alternatively, trigonometry can be used, once the Earth Venus distance

is known.

We can use the occasions when the Earth-Venus-Sun angle is 90 degrees.

See "related links" below for details of this.

We can also use times when the Earth-Sun-Venus angle is 90 degrees.

It's not that radio waves wouldn't be reflected by the Sun; but the Sun

_GENERATES_ so much radio energy that any reflection would be entirely

swamped by the primary signal.

Think about it this way. You're in a dark theater, and people are wandering

around carrying mirrors. You have a bright flashlight. Will you be able to see the

reflection from the mirrors? Probably yes. Now somebody with one of the mirrors

turns on a spotlight and points it at you. Can you bounce your flashlight off of

his mirror ? Sure, but you can never see it. You're blinded by his spotlight, and

the wimpy reflection of your flashlight from his mirror is invisible in the glare.

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Q: If radio waves cannot be reflected from the Sun then how can radar be used to find the distance from the Earth to the Sun?
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How a radar operates as a distance finder?

It measures the time for the reflected signal to return. Early RADAR sets made this measurement and directly converted it to distance by using a CRT with calibrated markings on its face in units of distance. Modern RADAR sets use high speed digital counters then compute and show the distance numerically.

Why can't radar be used to measure the distance to stars?

Radar uses radio waves, which are quickly absorbed or scattered by the Earth's atmosphere. Stars are extremely far away, beyond the effective range of radar due to the limitations in the signal strength and atmospheric interference. Additionally, radar systems are designed for short-range applications and lack the sensitivity and power required to detect objects at such vast distances.

What is a reflected radar signal called?


How can you determine distance using remote sensing?

A radar emits electromagnetic radiation via a transmitter, and it has a directional antenna that measures the time of arrival of backscattered or reflected pulses of radiation from remote objects. The distance between the radar and object can be deduced using the speed of light.

What do the letters in radar mean?

RADAR stands for "Radio Detection and Ranging." It is a system that uses radio waves to detect the presence, distance, and direction of objects such as aircraft, ships, and vehicles by bouncing signals off them and measuring the reflected pulses.

What is the name of the plane that cannot detected by radar?

The F-117 Nighthawk cannot be detected by radar.

What are the steps when examining distance determination?

The answer depends on what distance is being determined: the distance to stars using parallax, the distance to aircraft using radar, the distance from one city to another partway around the earth, the distance between two nearby objects.

How do you get the poke radar in black?

You cannot get the Poke Radar in Pokemon Black.

What is the distance of a radar detector?

Depends, Radar detectors like the V1 have a distance of about 3 miles with constant on radar on straight aways. You have to take in account curves, hills, and other factors.

What instrument detects tornadoes?

Tornadoes are most often detected by doppler radar, which can measure wind velocity from a distance. However, one limitation is that radar cannot tell if a tornado is actually on the ground; that usually requires visual confirmation.

What do you understand by radar?

Radar stands for radio detection and ranging , it is used to detect the distant object with the help of electromagnetic waves. radar has a transmitter which transmit radio waves ,the waves after reflection are detected and the distance is calculated by measuring the time delay... The reflected wave get distorted due to the noise so proper prediction correlation logic is set. radar also has a control system for its rotation generally based on fuzzy control logic.

What does radar do?

Radar sends out a radio wave and measures the reflected radio wave using it to calculate a target's speed, shape, material the object is made of, and direction of movement.