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A pearl could form.

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Q: If sand gets inside the mollusks shell what could form inside?
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What is an fact about mollusks?

answer 2 Mollusks contribution to the evolution scheme, was to invent the shell, which in later form became the skeleton. Slugs have internalized their shells.With a shell, you now have a rigid point to which you may attach muscles, and thus make complex movements.

What mollusks form pearls?


What sea animal lives in a sea shell?

Clams obviously live in the clam shells, sea slugs live in the spirial shells. Some of their organs actually form inside the shell. Also, once those die, sometimes hermit crabs take over the shell when they out grow their previous shell. crabs, mollusks, oysters, mussels, clams, scallops, and other creatures

Do all mollusks possess a hard external shell?

A mollusk's exoskeleton is composed of chitin (a component of the exoskeleton of most animals) and conchiolin which is a form of calcium carbonate (present in snail shells). These complex proteins are secreted by the mantle layer present right below the shell and hardens over time as the creature grows.

How are seashells formed?

Most mollusks have shells outside their soft bodies. The shell is a mollusk's skeleton. It is part of the animal and the mollusk is attached to it by muscles. The soft animal inside can never leave its shell and come back to it. The shell is made of a form of limestone and is built by the mollusk itself. Certain glands in the mollusk are able to take limestone from the water and deposit it in tiny particles at the edge of, and along the inside of, the shell. As a mollusk grows in size, its shell increases in thickness and size. The shell of a mollusk consists of three layers. The outside is covered with a thin layer of hornlike material that contains no lime. Under this is a layer of carbonate of lime. The inside layer is the "mother-of-pearl", or nacre. It is made up of very thin alternate layers of carbonate of lime and a horny substance. The coloring of the shell comes from some glands of the mollusk that contain coloring matter. So a shell may be spotted, all one color, or marked with lines.

What is the Possessive form word clam shell?

Possessive form of the words clam shell: clam shell's

What is the plural form of shell?

What is the plural form of shell? Easy: it's shells!

Can slugs produce eggs by themselves?

Slugs are Mollusks that have lost their shell. Though hermaphroditic (both sexes in the one animal), they stilll need sexual conjunction with another of their kind to become fertilized. [Wasn't that delicately put?] They both exchange material.The mollusks are important in evolution, for they invented what becomes the skeleton. With a shell, one now has a rigid piece to which one may form muscular attachment.In closing, you might look up apophallation in a biology engine or text - a problem that slugs occasionally have.

What is the scientific name for the mollusk sponge?

There is no such nomenclature. Mollusks and sponges are two forms of invertebrates.Some sponges, such as Myxilla incrustans form symbiotic relationships with some mollusks (i.e scallops).

What is the scientific name for Mother of Pearl?

The scientific name for Mother of Pearl is nacre. Nacre is a composite material produced by some mollusks as an inner shell layer. It is composed mainly of aragonite, a mineral form of calcium carbonate.

What does conchito mean in English?

"Conchito" is a diminutive form of the Spanish word "concha," which can mean "shell" or "bread roll." In English, "conchito" could be translated as "little shell" or "small bread roll."

What is the abstract noun formed from shell?

There is no abstract noun form of the concrete noun 'shell' or the verb to 'shell'.