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as long as each piece of patatoe has an "eye" it will grow

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Q: If seed potatoes are large can you cut them in half?
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Related questions

Is a pototo a a seed?

potatoes arent usually grown from seed but from potato cuttings.

Can potatoes that have turned green still be used as seed potatoes?

They should be fine for seed use as long as the "eyes" still appear to be trying to sprout and the rest of the potato is still relatively firm. To make sure, just take a few seed pieces, cut them in half, and place the eye end up in a shallow pan of water in a warm, sunny location. They should start growing sprouts in less than a week.

How do you cook enough potatoes for mashed potatoes for 150 people?

I would use 40 pounds and cook them cut in halves in 2-3 large pots

Where do you get potato seeds if potatoes don't have seeds?

Potatoes are tubers. Each have "eyes". If you cut the tuber up so that each segment has an eye and plant it, a new plant will grow with several tubers growing underground. "Seed" potatoes have many eyes on the tuber.

Cut an apple in half and count how many seed are inside you can also tell how many?

its how many kids your going to have.....

Do potatoes have potatoes?

Potatoes have "eyes" that produce new potatoes. The person growing them cut the potato with the eye and plant them.

If a potato is sliced can it formate new roots?

yes, when I used to grow potatoes in my garden, I would just quarter a potato and plant the pieces. Certainly. Potatoes are often 'seeded' with a potato that has eyes growing that is cut up and planted rather than starting them from seed.

Is buying frozen pre-cut potatoes bad?

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What is the width of a piece of paper?

The answer depends on the piece of paper. You can cut it in half lengthways: it will still be a piece of paper but its width will be half as large!

Seed for potato?

If you want to plant potatoes, you would not want "seed" you would want seed potatoes. If you look at a potato , you will see what are called eyes, which are actually sprouts. Cut the potato into 1/4 sections, having several eyes on each section. Plant this and with ample moisture, it will sprout. Plant approx. 3" deep. If you leave one in the bag, too long, it can also sprout, but will not make potatoes. potatoes are a tuber, and new potatoes will form on the root system in the ground. ( nodules)

How many potatoes feeds 60 people?

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What to put in cut potatoes to prevent them from changing colour?

Kindly assist with what I can put in bulk cut potatoes to prevent them fro turning brown