

If someone dies in debt how is the debt paid off?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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When someone dies, any debts they leave are paid out of their 'estate' (the money and property they leave behind). You're only responsible for their debts if you had a joint loan or agreement or provided a loan guarantee - you aren't automatically responsible for a husband's, wife's or civil partner's debts.

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Q: If someone dies in debt how is the debt paid off?
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The creditors will write it off if there are no assets. They cannot come after anyone exept the person with the debt or their estate. If neither exists, they write it off.

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until the company writes the debt off or the person owiing the debt dies

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My sympathies to you and your family. If you, your husband or anyone else in the family didn't cosign for a loan for the car then the debt ends. If there was a cosigner then the cosigner is responsible for the debt. If your son was not a minor and took the loan out himself and he has left a Will or has anything of value this debt will be paid off or written off.

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Where can one go to get the debt paid off?

One can go to the debtor to pay the debt off. To refinance debt and reduce the interest rate being paid, one can refinance one's debts. For this, it is best to talk to one's bank.

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The mortgage should be paid by the remaining estate. If there is not enough cash left to pay off the mortgage, the house can be sold and the mortgage paid at closing, or if the mortgage is assumable, the son may take on the mortgage as his own debt and keep the house.

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No, if it is written off that means the company has accepted the debt as paid.

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oxygen debt has nothing to do with credit. it is the debt you owe to the environment for causing CO2, or carbon dioxide. You pay it off by planting trees.

What happens when a person dies and is owed money by a friend. Is the debt written off?

The debt moves to his closest family member.

Can you use your Stafford student loan to pay off debt?

No, you cannot use a Stafford student loan to pay off personal debt. The only debt that should be paid off with an educational Stafford loan is your college debt.