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Well it depends on the quantity of pre-ejaculate fluid, but from what I learned in medical school, Over 9000!

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Q: If someone had ejaculated prior to sex but only pre-ejaculated what are the chances of the pre-ejaculate containing sperm and when exactly does pre-ejaculate occur?
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What are the chances of being pregnant if the guy stuck it in and out?

there really wasn't much information for an answers. but here we are: if he ejaculated inside there is a chance, if he was wearing a condom and ejaculated there is a small chance, if he didn't ejaculate there is basically no chance.

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If you are just in the room or bed with the man when he ejaculates the possibility of pregnancy is 0%. The only way that a pregnancy would be possible would be if he ejaculated on your vagina. Even then the likelihood is exceedingly low.

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Congrats, you're preggo.Not very likely, but possible. You are least fertile during menstruation.

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Could you Get Pregnant In 3 to 5 Minutes?

It's not a matter of time, but what happened during that time. If the male ejaculated, even in 3-5 minutes, and the female was ovulating, the chances of pregnancy exist.

What are the chances of getting pregnant if he didn't shoot?

If you had un-protected sex - there is ALWAYS a chance of pregnancy - whether he ejaculated on not ! Remember it only takes ONE sperm to make a baby. That's the whole idea of condoms !

What are the chances of pregnancy if your boyfriend ejaculated outside but he put it back in right after and repeated this another time while you were ovulating?

Pre-ejaculatory fluid contains viable sperm and STDs, so about the normal 1/14

I am in dire need of help on this question...u see i use Trojan ultrathins and pull out everytime im about to likely is it that i could get her pregnant through pre-ejaculate?

The chances are VERY slim. The only way pre-cum could have sperm in it is if you ejaculated before the pre-cum, but the chances are slim to none.

What are the chances of conceiving a girl after birth control female hormones?

Girl sperm swim faster than boy sperm. If the man ejaculated when he wasn't very far inside of you, chances are you'd have a girl. The hormones/birth control pills wouldn't have any affect on the sex of the baby because the man's sperm determines the sex.

What are the chances of getting pregnant with a condom but he was still in when he ejaculated?

Condoms are a good source of contraception if you use them properly, and they do not tear/break. If the condom didn't tear/break then, even if they did ejaculate inside you, there is very little chance you would get pregnant.

Can a girl be pregnant if a man has ejaculated over her panty?

Chances are the girl is most likely not pregnant, however she may want to try a traditional home pregnancy test just to be safe. And next time you should be more careful because remember all it takes is for one sperm to reach the opening of her vagina and the chances of pregnancy become very high.

What are my chances of getting pregnant if my boyfriend and I used VCF but we think we did so incorrectly because the film came out when he did?

It's important that you allow for it to dissolve. Remember that it takes about fifteen minutes. To be safe, I insert it early and let at least twenty minutes pass before seriously engaging, but the instructions call for fifteen minutes. If the film came out completely, and he ejaculated within, the chances are pretty high.