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Truthfully, that person should go to there local dentist and consult them. They are educated in how to fix problems like buck teeth. By talking to anyone else about this a person can ruin there teeth more than they already are.

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Q: If someone has buck teeth what can a person do to relieve the symptoms?
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Why do people gnash their teeth while they sleep?

Clenching and grinding of the teeth is called Bruxism. Some symptoms would be a sore jaw in the morning, possibly headaches and sensitive teeth. You can talk with your dentist and get a custom made nightguard to sleep with and even though you may still clench and grind while asleep, the damage to your your teeth is not happening.

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Some of the common symptoms for gum disease are bad breath, red or swollen gums, tender or bleeding gums, painful chewing, loose teeth, sensitive teeth, receding gums or longer appearing teeth.

How do you tell if someone has false teeth?

Dentistry has come along way and luckily most people that require false teeth or partials are so real that people that don't know them well will never guess they have false teeth unless the person takes them out in front of that person.

Who is a person who has no teeth?

A baby (they have not yet grown teeth) or an old person that has lost their teeth.

What if there are no teeth?

If a person has no teeth, this does not necessarily have to be a problem. If a person has no teeth, they can get dentures, or they can eat soft foods.

What does it mean when someone is gritting their teeth?

When someone is gritting their teeth it is a term that is called bruxism. This basically means they are clenching their teeth or even possibly grinding their teeth.

What is grinding of teeth?

When someone grinds their teeth, either consciously or while asleep, they are rubbing their top and bottom teeth together. This can create an irritating noise, and can grind the persons teeth down. It can be stopped when the person wears a mouth guard while they sleep or during the day. Hope this helps :)

How do I relieve a toothache from eating too much candy?

Take an over the counter pain medicine to relieve a toothache caused by eating to much candy. To prevent dental problems, make sure to brush your teeth with tooth paste at least twice a day and floss your teeth at least once a day.