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Q: If someone is in a same sex marriage in Nevada can Do here parents have a say in medical issues?
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When will same-sex marriage be legal in Nevada?

Same-sex marriage became legal in Nevada on October 6, 2014.

Did the Supreme Court of Nevada rule on the constitutionality of Nevada's ban on same-sex marriage?

As of May 2014, the supreme court of Nevada hasn't ruled on the constitutionality of Nevada's ban on same-sex marriage.

Is same-sex marriage legal in Reno Nevada?

Yes. Same-sex marriage is legal in Nevada as of October 6, 2014.

Is a gay marriage legal in Nevada?


Does the state republican party platform for Nevada include marriage equality?

The Nevada state republican party platform does not mention same-sex marriage.

Does the state democratic party platform for Nevada include marriage equality?

Yes, Nevada's state democratic party platform does include marriage equality.

When was University Medical Center of Southern Nevada created?

University Medical Center of Southern Nevada was created in 1931.

What are some major obstacles to the legalization of same-sex marriage in Nevada?

As of October 7, 2014, there are no longer any obstacles to the legalization of same-sex marriage in Nevada.

Are heirs responsible for medical bills in Nevada?

It is not the heirs, but the estate that is responsible for any remaining debts. That will include medical bills. If there is not enough in the estate to cover them, someone will not get paid and the heirs may get nothing.

Can you get a fake marriage license in Vegas?

You can get a fake marriage license anywhere you can find someone who will produce one. The question is, why would you want to? You can get a REAL marriage license pretty cheap and without hassle anywhere in Nevada. A fake license exposes you to charges of fraud and other criminal liability.

Can you get a new marriage license in California if you already have one in Nevada?

If you have not executed the Nevada license, you can. You need the license from the location of the ceremony.

When was same-sex marriage explicitly banned in Nevada?

On November 7, 2002, the state constitution of Nevada was amended to ban same-sex marriage. That amendment has since been struck down as unconstitutional.