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Yes. But in another religion's heaven..

AnswerTechnically only God knows the condition of a person's heart. Since He won't force Himself on anyone who doesn't believe, I have to conclude that the person who steps away will not spend eternity with Him. God will never leave us nor abandon us, but we still have that option. AnswerIf a person is truly converted, God will do all to reel the person back to him, but if someone has a hardened heart, he never belonged to God. AnswerAnswering "If someone says they are a Christian and then later reject God do they still go to heaven?"

"If someone says they are a Christian..." Anyone can say that, but God will judge.

"...and then later reject God" Only God knows their heart, but beware vocal rejections.

" they still go to heaven?" Yes.

All souls go to heaven. True Christians are accepted immediately. Non-Christians await judgment day.

Trust God's judgment. He is fair.

AnswerDo not be misled.. God is fair, but if you choose him not, then you choose to be without him. All souls do not go to heaven.It is clearly in The Bible.

==new answer== Just because a person rejects or rises above Christianity does not necessarilly mean they have rejected God. This kind of thinking is the chief reason we have separation of church and state. We each have the freedom to relate to god in our own way. If you live in America, it is part of the reason you re here rather than somewhere else where freedom is not experienced to the degree that we have it. Heaven is not some far or distant afterlife thing, it is now, and so is hell. Our choices cause us to lean one way or the other. It's in the book. Heaven is the consciousness that is achievable by anyone that resides in the innermost depths of our minds. To bring this forward into the everyday consciousness is to create heaven on earth. To think that what we know now is all there is slows one's growth considerably. All we need to do to gain more is to reach a little bit.

=another answer= what!!!!!!!! (to the 1st one) the bible says in part of one timothy 4:12

be an exaple to all believers, in what you say in what you do, in your faith, your purity, and your love.

if they reject god later they are not being an exaple.


to get into heaven you must say the sinners prayer and begin a relationship with god. you must also live your life according to his word, the bible. remember, god loves us all, but you have to accept him into your life as your lord and savior so that when you get up there he can say well done my good and faithful servant.

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Rejecting God means acknowledging that there is no God and therefore no heaven. It means finally knowing that no one really goes to heaven, no matter what they believe.

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