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Simple answer yes. Penetration is not required to conceive. Only viable sperm and union with a present viable egg. If a male ejaculates near the vaginal entrance and contact is achieved between the vaginal entrance and the semen, then it is possible for the sperm to travel and join with the egg.

The only surefire way to avoid conception, is to avoid any form of vaginal contact with any amount of seminal fluid. Even pre-ejaculate or precum may be enough for conception.

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Q: If sperm gets on not in the vagina when your fertile pre-ejaculate near vagina ovulating?
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During sexual intercourse of men and women is the ova ejaculated from the vagina?

No. If the woman is ovulating the egg is in the fallopian tube and the sperm will swim there to fertilize it.

Can you only get pregnant when you're ovulating?

Technicly yes. However sperm can live in the vagina anywhere from 24 hours up to 7 days.

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Yes, you can get pregnant any time you have sex. Typically ovulation occurs two weeks before menstruation, and a woman is fertile for up to a week before ovulation thanks to the presence of fertile cervical mucus that can keep sperm alive in the vagina for up to a week. Unless a woman uses Fertility Awareness Methods there is no way for her to know when she is fertile or ovulating - because everyone's cycle are different and your individual cycles can change for a number of reasons.

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No. A male must ejaculate sperm/semen into the females vagina in order to cause pregnancy. The female would need to be old enough to have her menstrual period as well and be ovulating. Ovulating occurs for most women around 14 days after her last period.

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Yes. If your menstrual cycle has started, it means that you are ovulating, and therefore you can get pregnant.

How do you use your sperm?

The best day is the day that you are ovulating. Check out this link to find out how to determine when you are ovulating:

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If sperm does not get in to the vagina then there is a chance of pregnancy?

If sperm does not enter the vagina, there is no chance of pregnancy. Pregnancy occurs when sperm fertilizes an egg, and this can only happen if the sperm comes into contact with the vagina and eventually reaches the egg in the fallopian tubes. Without this contact, pregnancy cannot occur.

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No; sperm must enter the vagina to get pregnant.

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Sperm typically live for 72 hrs.