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Q: If the air is only holding one-third as much moisture as it can possibly hold what is the relative humidity?
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If the air is only holding one third as much moisture as it can possibly hold what is the relative humidity?


Is 100 percent relative humidity underwater?

No. The keyword in this term is "relative." Relative humidity stands for the amount of moisture currently in the air with respect to (or relative to) the amount of moisture that can be held in the air. Colder air can hold less moisture than warm air, so there's a much greater chance of having 100% relative humidity when it's cool out than when it's warm out. For example, if you wake up on a cool morning and experience dew on the ground, it is because the cool air is holding as much moisture (i.e. humidity) as it possibly can. So you are experiencing 100% relative humidity. However, if that same amount of moisture stays in the air throughout the day, once the air warms up, the higher temperature allows for more moisture to be present in the air, and the air may not be fully saturated with moisture, thus you have a relative humidity that is less than 100%. So no, you do not have to be underwater to experience 100% relative humidity; in fact, underwater there is no air to surround you... so you're not experiencing any relative humidity at all.

How do the relative humidity measurements for inside and outside compare?

They compare because relative humidity measures the maximum amount of moisture in the air.

Why does Relative Humidity increase when air cools?

Relative humidity is a measure of how much moisture is in the air relative to how much the air can hold. All the matters in the case of the latter is the air temperature. So if you cool the air temperature, the air can hold less moisture. Therefore, the air now has a larger percentage of moisture relative to what it can hold.

An instrument that measures relative humidity is called a what?

humidity is moisture in the air and is measured with a hygrometer

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Which is the comparison of the amount of moisture in the air to the amount of moisture it can hold?

relative humidity

Amount of moisture in air compared to amount needed in saturation?

Relative humidity is a measure of how much moisture is in the air compared to how much moisture the air can hold at a given temperature. If the relative humidity is 100%, the air is saturated and can hold no more moisture. Lower relative humidity means the air is drier and can still hold more moisture.

If the air is only holding one third as much moisture as it can possibly hold what is the relative humidity?


What is relative humidity in terms of moisture and temperature?

relative humidity is the amount of moisture that air can hold in a certain temperature

What affects relative humidity?

Moisture and temperature.

If the relative humidity is hidh does the air have a lot of moisture or a little moisture?

If the relative humidity is high, it means that the air has a lot of moisture in it. This high moisture content can lead to feelings of stickiness or dampness in the air.

Is 100 percent relative humidity underwater?

No. The keyword in this term is "relative." Relative humidity stands for the amount of moisture currently in the air with respect to (or relative to) the amount of moisture that can be held in the air. Colder air can hold less moisture than warm air, so there's a much greater chance of having 100% relative humidity when it's cool out than when it's warm out. For example, if you wake up on a cool morning and experience dew on the ground, it is because the cool air is holding as much moisture (i.e. humidity) as it possibly can. So you are experiencing 100% relative humidity. However, if that same amount of moisture stays in the air throughout the day, once the air warms up, the higher temperature allows for more moisture to be present in the air, and the air may not be fully saturated with moisture, thus you have a relative humidity that is less than 100%. So no, you do not have to be underwater to experience 100% relative humidity; in fact, underwater there is no air to surround you... so you're not experiencing any relative humidity at all.

If the air temperature stays the samewhat happens to the relative humidity when the amount of moisture increases?

Relative humidity increases.

What is the moisture level in the air called?

The "relative humidity"

What is the state if atmosphere with respect to moisture?

The state of atmosphere with respect to moisture is associated with humidity. As moisture saturates the air, it encourages a general increase in relative humidity.

How do the relative humidity measurements for inside and outside compare?

They compare because relative humidity measures the maximum amount of moisture in the air.

If the amount of moisture stays the samewhat happens to the relative humidity when the air temperature decreases?

If the amount of moisture remains constant, but the air temperature decreases, the relative humidity will increase. This is because cooler air has a lower capacity to hold moisture, so the existing moisture becomes a higher percentage of the air's total capacity, resulting in a higher relative humidity.