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only if it had a hole poked in it before use a needle more than anything

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Q: If the condom isn't visibly broken can semen have still leaked?
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Can you become pregnant if the semen is at the bottom of the condom?

As long as the semen is contained in the condom and none leaked out, then you should not be pregnant,

Can you get pregenant if semen spills out of the condom after sex and you are rolling the condom off the penis but the condom didn't break?


Does semen stain on clothes?

well, it can. it depends on the color of the clothing. for instance, black, semen on black clothing will stain it until washed. so wash your clothing or towels after you ejaculate on them or wipe your semen on them. masturbation with a condom can feel more pleasurable then bare hands. and when you ejaculate, the semen stays in the condom. try it. it will help.

Can we swallow semen fluid?

Yes, you can swallow semen. People have done that for years. Just make sure the other person is not infected with anything. Still, even orally, a condom is safer. Just use a plain condom for that which has no lubricant nor spermicide.

Could you become pregnant with a condom left inside of you?

The semen can leak out when you try to get it out so yes you can.

Is there sapost to be whites stuff in your vagaina if you use an condom?

The white stuff is probably discharge from your's normal...however, it could be semen if the condom broke or had a leak in it.

Can you get pregnant if he pulls out but the condom stays inside?

possibly, the outside of the condom is fine and clean but if the inside of it lets some semen into your vagina then you might get pregnant, your probably fine though this is highly unlikely

Pregnancy if you are on birth control don't miss a pill but don't take it the same time everyday partner wears a condom and after removing it the semen drips and touches the vagina?

no you shouldn't be pregnant.the semen needs to be inside the vagina.

If a man is sick is his semen sick?

It can be. An unhealthy man may sometimes have unhealthy semen. If a man has an STD, it can be spread through his semen. Of course, if you are having sex with a man, and you are the least bit uncertain of his health or whether he is carrying something, then make sure you use a condom if you have sex at all.

Can semen remain in liquid form in a tied condom for a extended period of time such as more then 4 weeks?

Think it dries up after a while..

Can a girl get pregnant if the guy did not use a condome but he did not comes in her?

Yes. Pre-cum contains semen. It's rare but it can definitely happen. Use a condom!

Your condom slipped an inch or 2 from the base can that cause pregnancy?

It is very unlikely. If no semen entered the vagina, there can be no pregnancy. A little slippage is fairly normal.