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will primary on a auto loan have right to the vehicle if cosigner has been paying loan for 15 months and has possession of vehicle will primary on a auto loan have right to the vehicle if cosigner has been paying loan for 15 months and has possession of vehicle

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Q: If the cosigner has had possession of vehicle 15 months paying the payments does the primary have the right to the vehicle?
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Can a cosigner in California take possession of a vehicle if the primary borrower is not making the payments in Georgia?

Only if the cosigner is also named on the vehicle title.

Does a cosigner have the right to take possession of the car when the primary borrower has made all the payments and has not defaulted on the loan?

No, a cosigner has no legal rights to a vehicle unless his or her name appears on the vehicle title.

Im a primary borrower on a loan n i had2 have a cosigner to get my car. i have made several payments on my carnthe cosigner had told me tht he had the car sold hes now got the not makein payments?

Something is not right here. If you are the primary, then why is the cosigner making payments and why does the cosigner have possession of the vehicle? The is back-wards of what it should be. And why in the world would you put the cosigners name on the title? You have a mess on your hands, because you went about this all wrong. You need to contact a lawyer ASAP.

You are the primary owner on a vehicle you owe 700 on the loan and the cosigner decided to take the vehicle even though they havent made any payments can they do that?

Two things to consider here: First, the cosigner is an equal owner of the vehicle regardless of whether or not any payment has been made by him. This is a matter of contract law. Second, and typically in cases where payments are not current, the cosigner/co-owner can take possession of the vehicle to protect his credit if his intention is to surrender the unit or to make payments current.

Can a cosigner take possession of a car if the primary signer is not paying the payments?

Yes. I believe the loaner will contact you with a past due amount, or send you a bill. If this hasn't happened yet, contact the loaner and tell them you want possesion if the car is not being paid for by the buyer. * No. A cosigner has no legal right to a vehicle unless his or her name appears on the title. The cosigner will have to make the payments to keep the vehicle from being reposssesed or have the vehicle refinanced in his or her name with the primary borrower being released from the current agreement, this can only be done if the lender agrees.

If the cosigner has possession of vehicle and all payments are up to date can person named first take the vehicle at any time?

Whomever is named on the TITLE has equal rights to the possession of the car.

You are the co signer but have made all payments can the primary take the car?

Yes. The primary and the cosigner are equal owners of the vehicle. If all things are equal, and the loan is current, and one of the contract parties takes possession of the vehicle over the other, it is a civil matter and must be decided by a judge.

If your cosigner defaults on other loans but you are making your payments can they repossess your vehicle?

No. You are the primary borrower and are honoring your financial obligation.

How can a co-buyer take possession of a truck when the primary borrower is not making the payments?

When someone co-signs, they are basically just agreeing to making the payments when the signer can not. * Any legal rights that a cosigner or a co-buyer(borrower) have depend upon whether or not their name is on the title to the vehicle.

Cosigner repo a vehicle?

If you are a co-signer of a repossesion, and the primary borrower has not made an attempt to make their payments then you are fully responsible for this debt.

Does a co-signer have rights to a vehicle that is being financed and payments are currently being made by the primary holder?

NO. As the cosigner, you are only guaranteeing the loan.

What can be done to you in Florida if you are the cosigner on a vehicle that is up for repossession but your husband is in possession of the vehicle and they cannot find it?

They will come to you for the money if they can't find him. It will be on your credit as a repo as well. As a co-signer, you sign that you will take over payments if the signer fails to make the payments.