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If d = 6 meters, then C = 18.8 meters.

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Q: If the diameter of a circle is 6 meter about how many meters is the circumference of the circle?
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A 0.5 meter-diameter circle has a circumference of about 1.57 meters.

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The circumference of a 9.5-meter diameter circle is: 29.85 meters. (C = d x Pi)

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A circle 16 meters in diameter has a circumference of 16*pi or about 50.26 meters.

What is the circumference of a 3 meter diameter circle?

3 * pi meters

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The diameter, rounded to the nearest meter, is: 26 meters(25.7831008 meters).

What is the approx circumference of a circle with a diameter of one meter?

circumference = diameter X pi pi = 3.1416 circumference = one meter X 3.1416 = 3.1416 meters

What is the circumference of a circle that has a diameter of 1 meter?

The circumference of a circle (C) = 2 x pai x radius = pai x diameter Accordingly, the circumference = 3.14 x 1 meter = 3.14 meters

What is the approximate circumference of a circle with a diameter of one meter?

-- exactly (pi) meters -- approximately 3.1416 meters

If a circle has circumference of meters what is its diameter to the nearest meter?

Since you didn't provide a number, I'll make one up. A circle with a circumference of 35 m has a diameter of approximately 11 m.