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It depends.

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Q: If the father of your baby breaks up with you when your 7 months pregnant does it mean he is just scared or he doesn't love you?
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No it doesnt. I was on mine for four months and was not pregnant. You should go to the doctor though. Mine was just irregular and birth control fixed mine.

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there is always a chance of getting pregnant while on birth control. birth controll just lowers your chance of getting pregnant but doesnt prevent it totally. i have 4 kids and got pregnant twice on birth control.

What do you do if your girlfriend of 6 years breaks up with you when she is 7 months pregnant and you want to work it out?

What To Do When Your Girlfriend Of Six Years Is Seven Months Pregnant and Breaks Up With You But You Want To Work It Out?Talk to her about it.It is wise to talk to her about it and you have every right too if you are the father of the child she is carrying. She could be getting pressure from her family and being seven months pregnant her hormones are all over the place and she may not be in a position to make good judgment calls at the present time. Phone her and ask her if you can meet somewhere to talk. Try to understand what she is going through (pressure from family to hormone dips) and she's probably afraid on top of it all. Once the baby is born she may change her mind and if not and the baby is yours then fight for your rights as the father to have visitation rights and offer to pay child support.

If a cat is only 6 months old and she's pregnant what are the chances of her dying?

if she is 6 months and pregnant there is something wrong.There is a half chance of her dying.Her "hole" maybe a little too small and you shouldn't let a kitten only 6 months go outside cause it doesnt know that its too young to do that .

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she is 6 months pregnant

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About 8.5 months

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It is pregnant for 5 months.

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