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Also 0 degrees. The trick is that when water freezes at 0 degrees, a very large amount of heat must be lost, so freezing can take a long time, depending on the depth of the water. Conversely, when ice thaws, a very large amount of heat must be absorbed, so melting can take a long time, depending.

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The melting point of ice is also 0°C. At 0°C, ice changes from a solid state to a liquid state, and at this point, both ice and water can exist together in equilibrium.

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Q: If the freezing point of water is 0 c what is the melting point of ice?
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What will the effect on ice after melting?

After melting, ice will turn into water. This transition is reversible, meaning the water can freeze back into ice if the temperature drops below its freezing point.

How does salt raises the melting point of water?

Salt dissolved in water disrupts the formation of ice crystals, making it more difficult for ice to form and thus raising the melting point of the water. This occurs because salt molecules interfere with the hydrogen bonding between water molecules that normally enables ice crystals to form at 0°C.

What does the salt do to the melting point of water?

Salt lowers the melting point of water. The water will have to be at a colder temperature to freeze since the salt inhibits the waters ability to form ice crystals at the normal freezing temperature.

How does temperature affect an ice cube?

Temperature affects an ice cube by either melting it or freezing it. If the temperature is warmer than the ice cube's melting point, the ice will melt into water. If the temperature is colder than the ice cube's freezing point, the water will freeze and the ice cube will grow.

What happen to the temperature of ice when add some salt?

When salt is added to ice, the temperature of the ice decreases further. This is due to the process of freezing point depression, where the presence of salt lowers the freezing point of water, causing the ice to melt. The energy required for the melting process is absorbed from the surroundings, leading to a decrease in temperature.

Related questions

What kind of property is melting point and freezing point of water?

The melting point and freezing point of water are physical properties. The melting point is the temperature at which ice (solid) changes to water (liquid), while the freezing point is the temperature at which water (liquid) changes to ice (solid).

What is the freezing point or the melting point 0 degrees Celsius?

0 degrees Celsius is the freezing point of water, as water transitions from a liquid to a solid state at this temperature. It is also considered the melting point of ice, where ice transitions from a solid to a liquid state.

Why is zero degrees referred to as the melting point of water instead of the freezing point?

It's both! Generally, people talk about water going from ice to water to gas instead of the other way around. Freezing point = melting point (The scientific names: melting - fusion, freezing - crystallization)

Is 0 degrees Celsius a freezing point if the water has a melting point?

Yes, 0 degrees Celsius is the freezing point of water. At this temperature, liquid water changes to ice through the process of freezing. The melting point, where ice changes to liquid water, is also at 0 degrees Celsius.

What will the effect on ice after melting?

After melting, ice will turn into water. This transition is reversible, meaning the water can freeze back into ice if the temperature drops below its freezing point.

Why is salt not good for melting ice?

Adding a salt the freezing point of water decrease.

Will the melting point of ice increase or decrease when salt is added on it?

The melting point of ice will decrease when salt is added to it. Salt lowers the freezing point of water, causing the ice to melt at a lower temperature.

What is the difference between water's freezing and melting points?

Water's freezing point is the temperature at which liquid water turns into solid ice, which is 0 degrees Celsius. On the other hand, water's melting point is the temperature at which solid ice turns into liquid water, also at 0 degrees Celsius. Both freezing and melting points occur at the same temperature but represent opposite phase changes.

What is the process called when water turns into ice?

The process is called freezing. When water reaches its freezing point, its molecules slow down and come together to form a solid structure, which we know as ice.

What effects does baking soda have on melting ice?

Baking soda does not have a significant effect on melting ice. It can lower the freezing point of water slightly when sprinkled on ice, but it is not as effective as salt or other ice-melting agents.

What happpen to water at 0 degrees celsius?

0 degrees Celsius is both the freezing point of water and the melting point of ice.

What happens to the freezing point of pure water when salt is added to it?

When salt is added to water, the freezing point of the water decreases. This is due to the salt disrupting the formation of ice crystals in the water, requiring a lower temperature for the water to freeze.