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It could be he gets embarrassed when it comes to speaking with you, let him make the first move here, if he want you he will come to you, if not then you don't lose anything. Don't ignore him but don't go out of your way to talk to him unless he comes up to you. It sounds like he gets cold feet when it comes down to the nitty gritty. If he is teasing you and giving you signals then when you approach him, he backs off, he sounds a bit immature. He should be ready, willing and able to have a conversation with you, after all the foreplay is over. Dont rely on a solid relationship with this one, he looses steam when you need it the most. Go find a guy that can communicate at all levels, you deserve it...

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Q: If the guy who likes you is not shy at all but keeps trying to get your attention then clams up like he is offended every time you speak what is his problem?
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