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Q: If the numbers on the spring scales read 200 g. What property of the shoes is being measured?
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What is the type of force measured by a grocery store spring scale is?

Spring scales measure the force of gravity.

Do a spring scale measures mass?

Weight is the property measured by a spring scale. That is Mass X Acceleration.

What does a spring scales do?

it weights objects

What are examples of spring scales?


What are spring scales use for?

To measure mass.

What units do you use on the spring scale?

The unit used on spring scales is 'Newtons.'

Spring scales measure in what units?

Spring scales can be calibrated in any desired unit of force. Some examples are: -- newton -- ounce -- pound -- ton -- stone

What unit does spring scale measure?

Spring scales can measure grams, newtons, or pounds.

how to measure weight?

Weight is measured with different types of balances; in the SI system the unit is kilogram (also used multiples).AnswerUnfortunately, the original answer is incorrect.'Weight' is a force due to gravity and, therefore, is measured in newtons in SI . Weight is measured using a spring balance, calibrated in newtons. Because weight is affected by gravity, an object of given mass will have a different weight, according to where it is measured.'Mass', on the other hand, is measured in kilograms in SI. Mass is measured by comparing an object of unknown mass with a known mass, using a scales balance. A scales balance cancels out the effect of gravity.

Why is the mass of an object the same on the moon as it isn on earth but the objects weight different?

Because mass is conserved, which means it stays the same wherever the object goes. The weight is the force that the Earth attracts the object with, which changes when the object goes away from the Earth. Mass is measured by a balance, a pair of scales, where one mass is compared with another. Weight is measured by a spring balance, where the force of attraction by the Earth is measured by how much it extends a spring.

What are three different types of scales?

Balance, spring, inertial.

What instrument is used to find weight?

ScaleBalanceScales and balances.a spring balanceScales are very good at that job.Weighing scales