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Buoyant means: Tending to float on a liquid or rise in air or gas

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Q: If the object is buoyant wil it tend to sink or float?
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How does an object as large as an aircraft carrier float on water explain in detail about buoyancy?

From Wikipedia: "If the object has exactly the same density as the liquid, then its buoyancy equals its weight. It will tend neither to sink nor float. An object with a higher average density than the fluid has less buoyancy than weight and it will sink. A ship floats because although it is made of steel which is more dense than water, it encloses a volume of air and the resulting shape has an average density less than that of the water."

Is buoyancy and density the same?

An object with greater density than the liquid it is placed will tend to sink

How much weight is needed to stay under water?

It's not weight that allows a person to sink in water, it's lean body mass. The more fat you have the more you float, the less fat the less you tend to float.

Can an object made of cardboard float?

Usually - yes. Objects made of cardboard can float - at least until they become saturated with water. Even a sheet of cardboard will float initially. If the cardboard is coated with something that prevents the cardboard underneath from soaking up water, the object can continue to float for quite a while. Once it becomes saturated with water, cardboard will have more difficulty floating. Since it is made from paper - which derives from wood pulp - even when wet, it will tend to float rather than sink because wood is usually a bit less dense than water. Since it may not be JUST paper, it may depend on what else was added as to whether it will still float when soggy. It all depends on the average density. Note that as it becomes soggy, cardboard may tend to disintegrate - at which point it would just be a mass of mush rather than recognizable as cardboard.

What is positive buoyancy?

It is the force working upwards if it is greater in value than to the gravity force of the floating object that works downwards. if it was less then call it negative buoancy and then the floating object will tend to be unstable (subject to sink)

Related questions

Why do you tend to float lower in the water when you exhale?

You tend to float lower in the water when you exhale because you are getting rid of air. This air is buoyant and helped you to float higher.

Why do object float in dead sea?

the more salt in water the more bouyant an object becomes the salt makes the more denser therefore objects that are of a lesser density will tend to float on the dead sea

Would greater density float or sink?

greater density items wood tend to sink, they are heavier then items of less density with same displacement size

Does nylon sink?

Yes, because the density of nylon which is 1.14, is denser than water, which is 1. Since substances that are denser than water, tend to sink, while substances that are less dense tend to float.

How does an object as large as an aircraft carrier float on water explain in detail about buoyancy?

From Wikipedia: "If the object has exactly the same density as the liquid, then its buoyancy equals its weight. It will tend neither to sink nor float. An object with a higher average density than the fluid has less buoyancy than weight and it will sink. A ship floats because although it is made of steel which is more dense than water, it encloses a volume of air and the resulting shape has an average density less than that of the water."

Why do women float better than men?

Women tend to have a higher fat: - muscle ration than men do, and fat is also more buoyant than muscle.

Is buoyancy and density the same?

An object with greater density than the liquid it is placed will tend to sink

Does taking a breath in affect your density?

Your volume increases, but your mass doesn't increase significantly. Try swimming: after inhaling, it is easy to float; after exhaling, you tend to sink.

How much weight is needed to stay under water?

It's not weight that allows a person to sink in water, it's lean body mass. The more fat you have the more you float, the less fat the less you tend to float.

Can an object made of cardboard float?

Usually - yes. Objects made of cardboard can float - at least until they become saturated with water. Even a sheet of cardboard will float initially. If the cardboard is coated with something that prevents the cardboard underneath from soaking up water, the object can continue to float for quite a while. Once it becomes saturated with water, cardboard will have more difficulty floating. Since it is made from paper - which derives from wood pulp - even when wet, it will tend to float rather than sink because wood is usually a bit less dense than water. Since it may not be JUST paper, it may depend on what else was added as to whether it will still float when soggy. It all depends on the average density. Note that as it becomes soggy, cardboard may tend to disintegrate - at which point it would just be a mass of mush rather than recognizable as cardboard.

What is positive buoyancy?

It is the force working upwards if it is greater in value than to the gravity force of the floating object that works downwards. if it was less then call it negative buoancy and then the floating object will tend to be unstable (subject to sink)

Why does cold water and air tend to sink?

cold air and water tend denser than hot air and water, so they sink