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the Greeks called poseidon" poseidon'' and the Romans called poseidon "neptune".

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Q: If the planets are named after the Greek and Roman gods is there a planet named Poseidon?
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What planet is named after the Greek god Poseidon?

Neptune was the Roman version of Poseidon so planet Neptune is named after it.

What is Poseidon's planet name?

Perhaps you mean Neptune? Neptune was the Roman name for the Greek Poseidon.

What is the planet Neptune's connection to mythology?

Neptune Was a Mythical King, And now, one of our planets is named after him.

What is Poseidon's Greek and Latin name?

In Roman Mythology Poseidon was named Neptune.This is the origin of The Planet Neptune's name.

What planet was named after the Roman god of the sea?

well his greek name is Poseidon and his roman name is Neptune...

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Neptune was the god of water and the sea. His Greek equivalent was Poseidon.

What Roman god is the planet Neptune named after?

The planet Neptune is named after the Roman god Neptune, the god of the sea. Neptune is the Roman equivalent of the Greek god Poseidon.

What planet is repesented by a trident?

Neptune, after the Roman god of the sea, whose Greek counterpart is Poseidon.

Which planet is the known as the goddess of love?

Venus. Mercury is also known as a planet and a God as he was the Roman god of thieves and merchants, the Greek equivalent is Hermes. Here are some other planets known as gods: Roman-Greek Venus-Aphrodite Mars-Ares Jupiter-Zeus Saturn-Kronos Neptune-Poseidon Pluto is the Roman equivalent of Hades but isn't counted as a planet anymore.

Which planet is called Poseidon?

It is Neptune. Poseidon is the greek form of the god of the ocean. Neptune is the roman name. The original name is Neptune, since the planet is blue and ocean like.

Which planet shares its name with the Roman god of the sea?

Poseidon. Answer 2: Well, Poseidon was the Greek god. In Rome he was Neptunus (Neptune).

Which roman god is Neptune named after?

The god is Neptune, king of the sea. But Neptune is not greek. The god of the sea in greek mythology is Poseidon. But Neptune it actually a roman god :P The Roman god Neptune is the same as the Greek god Poseidon, just with a different name. But the planet Neptune is named after the Roman version, not the Greek.