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They feed on them and then the clams would overpopulate the beds if not eaten.

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Q: If the sea stars in a clam bed were destroyed what would happen?
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What would happen if you added water to clam chowder?

if you added water to clam chowder it would taste really watery

Why the clam shell is not smooth?

A clam shell is not smooth because being smooth would decrease friction between a clam and the surface it lives on. With low friction, a clam would go places it would not want to go.

How might a clam become a fossil?

A clam might become a fossil if it gets trapped on a sedimentary rock and remains there for a long..long...time.

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A clam is more likely to fossilize than a jellyfish.

What is the filter speed of a hard clam or quahog clam in gallons per hour?

It would really depend on the species and the size of the clam. There may not be any data on this actually.

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What is a starfish's diet?

Sea stars eat clams, mollusks, oysters, coral in the reefs, and some eat other sea stars.

What is the function of the mantle of a clam?

The mantle of a clam protects the clam from sunlight in shelled mollusks, the mantle is the organ that forms the shell, and adds to the shell to increase its size and strength as the animal grows.

What is a sign that a clam is in the area clam?

You will see a clam.

What is a well reviewed clam chowder recipe?

A well reviewed clam chowder recipe would be the New England Clam Chowder. You may find reviews on it as well as information at the Food Network website.

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What does a clam start of as?

a clam