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Q: If the sun grew much stronger in intensity how would the water cycle be affected?
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What is affected by the water cycle?

Flora and fauna are affected by water cycle. It causes weather change.

How would man kind be affected if the water cycle ceased?

water cycle

How is water affected by light?

Water is affected by light by a small temperature rise (depending on the intensity of the the light) and the light will make the water become illuminated.

How is the water cycle affected by drought?


How is the water cycle affected by a drought?


How would a person be affected if the water cycle did not work?

Yes a person will be affected. Water won't be replenished back.

How is the water cycle affected by earth's changing temperatures?

The change in temperature causes global warming. It affects water cycle.

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makes it depressed

What role does the water cycle play in determining climate?

Water cycle helps in seasonal changes. The weather gets affected when it rains.

What cycles are affected by global warming?

The carbon cycle is severely affected. Extra carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels is overloading the cycle.The water cycle is affected by the extra heat in the atmosphere.

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How does mining affect water cycle?

Mining is affecting the ground water level. So it is getting affected.