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Not always. The Sun is always shining on half the earth, and when there is a full moon no part of the back side of our moon is shining.The only time that happens is for a split second every 27-28 days when the new moon happens.

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Q: If the sun is shining on half of the earth does the moon shine on the other half?
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When is the sun shining?

The sun is always shining. It's been shining for four and a half billion years and will continue to shine for [it is assumed] another seven and a half billion years.

When isn't the sun shining?

There is never a time when the sun isn't shining. The sun has been shining for four and a half billion years and will continue to shine for [it is assumed] another seven and a half billion years.

Is sunlight always shining on half of Earth?


Why earth has night and day?

Earth has day and nights because the sun can only shine on one part of the Earth at a time, resulting in one half of the Earth in darkness, and one half of the Earth with light. The days and nights last only 12 hours because the Earth rotates around the sun once every 24 hours. Half of the time, the sun will shine an a particular spot on the Earth, the other half of the time, the sun will not shine causing darkness.

Why doesn't the sun shine at night?

The Sun shines all the time, but only one side of the Earth can face the Sun, and this constantly changes as the Earth spins. The Sun does not actually go around the Earth, but it seems to as the Earth rotates.At night, you are on the half of the Earth that is facing away from the Sun, so it is still shining, but on the other side of the Earth. You can still see some of the Sun's light at night, because it is the light that is reflected by the Moon.

How do you get phases of the moon?

The Phases of the moon are caused by the sun shining on one side of the moon- the other side is in shadow. When the moon is beside the earth with the sun shining on half of it, you will see a 1/2 full moon.

Why does half of earth experience night when the other half of earth is experiencing day?

The Sun is a single source of light. Therefore it can only shine its light on one side of the Earth at a time. The other side is then obviously dark. Try shining a torch on a tennis ball in a dark room. One side will by light and the other side will be dark.Apart from the dark and light part,there is also a part that is fairly dark known as the prenumbra. dark-umbra fairly dark-prenumbra

Can the sun shine on all continents at once?

No. The Earth is roughly a sphere, so only half the Earth is lit at a time.

Why can the whole Earth not experience day at one time?

Because the sun can only shine on one half of the Earth at a time.

How do astronauts land on a half moon?

Astronauts land on a half moon the same way that they would land on the moon any other time. A half moon is created when the sun is shining on only part of the moon, therefore making only that part visible. The other part that the sun is not shining upon is still there, just people on earth cannot see it because we are so far away.

Where do the northern lights shine?

in Alaska, the northern half of the Earth where it snows usually, Michigan, and the south pole.

How much of the earth is away from the sun?

It's easy to do a simple experiment to answer that question. Just shine a flashlight on a tennis ball. No matter how you turn them and twist them, the flashlight always illuminates 1/2 of the ball ... 50% ... no more and no less. Since the earth and the moon are both almost exactly ball-shaped, there is always half of the earth and half of the moon illuminated, and the other half of each in dark.