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Q: If the terms red death and black death refer to a plague what does white death refer to?
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The Black Death is estimated to have killed of Europe's population?

The Black death was a plague that originated near China and spread throughout most of Eurasia. There are no exact figures in terms of a death toll, but an estimated 40-60% of Europe's population perished due to the plague.

What does plauge mean?

Generically, a plague is a highly infectious epidemic disease, especially one with a high rate of fatality that spreads widely and rapidly through a population of animals.Specifically, the plague refers to a virulent, infectious disease that is caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis transmitted primarily by the bite of fleas from an infected rodent. In humans the disease is called the "black death" as it causes black discolouration of the skin.A plague can also be an influx or infestation of large number of destructive or unwanted animals - a plague of antsA plague can also refer to an annoying child.

What are people called when their family is black and they're white?

Terms that are used to refer to a child who is white and their family is black are all slang derogatory terms: oreo, a zebra, a mulato, high yellow, and passer.

What are the differences between sleeping and dying?

Biblically, both terms are used for physical death synonomously. Often NT writers use the term "sleep" to refer to the activity of the body that is awaiting the resurrection. However, death in the NT can refer to either physical death or spirtiual death (separation from God).

Terms such as mulatto and mestizo refer to?

Mestizo: son of Indian and white persons. Mulato: son of black and white persons.

Is dying of consumption the same as dying from turberculosis?

The truth is, no one knows. The majority of scientists believe that consumption is the same as tuberculosis, but because the term was used so long ago, the scientists have no evidence to prove what the disease was in modern day terms. the same goes for the "Black Death" and the bubonic plague

What are characteristics of the hero figures of both Beowulf and gilgamesh?

Both undertake a journey or quest, and both refer to glory in terms of death and immortality.

What are the different types of terms that people use?

Terms of use refer to agreements for usage of products. Medical terms refer to common Latin based definitions of conditions. Terms in school can refer to quarters, semesters or years.

Are middle ages and medieval times the same?

The Middle Ages and medieval times are the same thing. The word medieval is defined as the adjectival form for Middle Ages, and comes from Latin words meaning middle ages. One thing to remember, however, is that while a given historian usually does not distinguish between the meanings of the two terms, historians disagree with each other about the dates of the period. So one historian might say the terms Middle Ages and medieval times both refer to the times from 476 to 1453, and another might say they both terms refer to the times from from 1066 to 1485. There is a link below to an article on the Middle Ages.

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anatomical terms that refer to specific visible landmarkscon the surface of the body

Which terms does not refer to a basic musical texture?
