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Q: If there is three times more daylight than night how many daylight hours are there?
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Which equation can be used to find two numbers such that twice the first equals three times the second and three times their difference exceeds twice the second by 13?

Let the two numbers be x and y, then:Twice the first equals three times the second: 2x = 3yThree times their difference exceeds the second by 13: 3(x - y) = y + 13From equation (1) it is clear the first number (x) is greater than the second (y), so their difference is x - y.Equation (2) can be rearranged:3(x - y) = y + 13→ 3x - 3y = y + 13→ 3x = 4y + 13This gives two simultaneous equations:2x - 3y = 03x - 4y = 13which can then be solved to find the two numbers (x and y).

What is the definition of thrice?

3 times. Just like "twice" would mean two times, "thrice" can mean 3 times.

What is the formula of a cube?

Base times Width times height. Take the measurement of the base, multiply it by the measurement of the width and multiply it all again by the measurement of the height. B*W*H=Cube another way of saying it: volume: multiply the length times the length times the length. Surface area: length times width times six.

What is the third square root of 0.125?

It is not clearly mentioned that whether it is the "THIRD" root we have to calculate.. or the "SQUARE ROOT THREE TIMES.. i.e the EIGHTth ROOT".. The answer posted here before was not correct in a sense that the if the question demands "third square root" which can also mean the "EIGHTth" root.. Re-edit: It seems rather obvious that this answerer is new to wiki answers and is not in the habit of question interpretation. The question is most likely thus; " What is the cubic root of 0.125. The answer then would be..., cubic root(0.125) = 0.5 ====( calculate the square root three times?!? sounds like a stretched interpretation ) Do you know what square root means? -_- if u know.. then u clearly know what "third square root means" .. huh -_-

What is the formula of 90 degrees elbow?

If radius is short it is 1 times pipe diameter. If it is a long radius it is 1.5 times nominal pipe diameter.

Related questions

What do you call the two times a year when the earth has twelve hours of daylight and twelve hours of night because the poles are not pointed towards or away from the sun?

The Summer and Winter solstices.

Does Singapore observe daylight savings times?

No, we don't observe daylight saving times because we are located almost on the equator and there is hardly any seasonal variation in the times of daylight hours.

How many hours In daylight?

Depends on where you are in Canada and what time of the year it is. You could get to places where there are 24 hours of daylight and six months later there is no daylight at all. So you can find it at any of the times in between at some point in Canada at different times of the year.

How many daylight hours in Canada?

Depends on where you are in Canada and what time of the year it is. You could get to places where there are 24 hours of daylight and six months later there is no daylight at all. So you can find it at any of the times in between at some point in Canada at different times of the year.

Does Arizona change to Daylight Saving Time Sat night?

No. Arizona does not use daylight savings time.

When does the red panda usually eat day or night?

The Red Panda is a solitary creature and is most active during the hours of dusk to dawn and so feeds between these times. It is mostly sedentary during daylight hours.

Why does the moon come ut at night?

The moon does not come out only at night. It is visible in the sky during during times in its orbit in both daylight and nighttime hours. This may be confirmed by reviewing any table of moonrise and set times as is found in books such as the Old Farmers Almanac.

Why do the areas near the equator only have twelve hours of daylight - even though they are always tilted towards the sun?

Areas near the equator receive roughly 12 hours of daylight throughout the year because the equator receives the most direct sunlight, leading to a nearly equal length of day and night. The tilt of the Earthโ€™s axis contributes to longer days and shorter nights in summer and the reverse in winter, but near the equator, this effect is minimal due to the direct angle of sunlight.

How many hours of daylight are received each day along the equator?

Since the sun is illuminating 50% of the equator at all times, the time from sunrise to sunset all along the equator is 12 hours every day (actually, it's slightly more than 12 hours due to the refraction of sunlight as it passes at a shallow angle through the atmosphere making the sun visible while it is actually slightly below the horizon).

What is the duration of Three Times?

The duration of Three Times is 2 hours.

How often do ferrets breed?

Female ferrets are polyestrous, meaning they usually come into heat more than once a year. Under natural lighting conditions - one - two times a year. With adjustment of photoperiod (extra lighting) up to five per year.The ferret is a photoreceptive breeder. Breeding season is triggered by photoperiod, the length of daylight hours, when there is more daylight than night or the ratio of daylight hours to night time hours (more than 12 hours of daylight in a day) cause physical changes in their bodies. The time of year or month varies depending on where in this world you live, the ferrets brain perceives the right time by the length of daylight hours. Ferrets can also be affected by exposure to artificial lighting that will cause them to go into season.

How long till Play-Doh hardens?

over night will do the trick some times. some times only about 3 hours.