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We've all have seen in various Science Fiction films, the freezing of time and people standing like statues, and we assume it is as if the cartoonist's flip-book of reality were stopped on a single page, except that, unlike the artist's drawing the single page would blink out of existence being itself dependent upon the movement of time.

To truly freeze time would be to stop a single quanta slice of the sensory information our brains convert to reality... but if you did that everything would simply disappear due to a lack of frequency.

The sensory information processed by the five senses is in the form of frequency. Consider just any one of the senses, but perhaps the easiest is light. The light that humans perceive via their retina, optic nerve, etc. is expressed as a wave. Frequencyis the number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit of time.

The frequency of the wave determines its color: 4×1014 Hz is red light, 8×1014 Hz is violet light, and between these (in the range 4-8×1014 Hz) are all the other colors of the rainbow.

Freezing time eliminates frequency. One quanta of energy becomes meaningless. It would be like trying to understand a melody with only one note. In the example of sound at the quantum level there could not even be a single note because it requires a sound wave and waves are produced by a succession of quantum events.

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Q: If time around an object were frozen would the object become indestructible because to destroy the object requires it to move and to move the object must move through time however time is frozen?
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