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It is bad for you and it CAN kill you. It damages the brain, the lungs, the heart, causes cancer, and damages production of hormones. With long term use it will kill you and shorten your life. It is a myth that it does no damage to the body. Check it out with a medical site.

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Q: If weed can't kill you then why does everyone say it's bad for what if your lungs?
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Why cant everyone in the world be allowed to smoke weed like in Amsterdam?

because the government cant tax weed. since almost everyone that smokes weed grows it in their house the government cant sell it cause it would be useless and they would make no money whatsoever

When is weed going to be legal to everyone?

probobly never but we can dream cant we lol

What will happen if you smoke human ashes in weed?

It will go to your lungs and in a matter of time it'll kill your A**

What weed does to the heart?

Nothing ... ? Weed doesn't damage any parts of the body. It is often associated with Tobacco (cigarettes) smoking and therefore are deemed "harmful to the lungs". However, weed doesn't damage the lungs and if it does, extremely minimal damage is caused. WEED DOESNT KILL, IT HEALS AND ONLY HEALS.

Why Doesnt Everyone smoke weed?

smoking regular ruins your lungs, nails, blood vains and more so why do 10 times the damage?

Can fake weed kill you?

It depends what the plant is. It is unlikely to be able to kill you but it could make you very ill

Can WEED shorten your life span?

No! Weed will kill you it will frikin kill you! Don't do weed!

Will Crossbow Weed Kill go to the roots and kill?

Yes. Crossbow weed kill goes to the roots and kill.

Is marijuana dangerous for animals?

yes. it will kill all animals, including humans , over time FALSE it may kill animals, but a recent study has shown that smoking weed does not affect your lungs at all.

Is it ok to smoke weed after a colopscopy exam?

dude weed effects your lungs not your bowls.

Where does the weed go?

If you smoke, it to your lungs, your bloodstream and to your brain.

Can weed kill?

Weed can not kill you it just gets you high but if you overdose on it, it will affect you in different kind of ways