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Whales can't communicate by telepathy. Otherwise they would be in charge, and they're not. And there is no such thing as telepathy. I wish there were.

(to the previous answer) The fact that whales are not in charge doesn't prove that they can't communicate by telepathy. Maybe they are just not looking to be in charge. Maybe they are wiser than looking out after power.

There is actually telepathy that exists between humans, but most of it is far beyond our current understanding of things. But it happens, stuff like thinking about someone and hearing the phone ring and it's that person, etc, etc. These are just random occurences though. To really master telepathy as a tool, one needs to do a lot of meditation and be able to disconnect the mind from a lot of things. Telepathy demands a high level of concentration of energy.

It is possible that whales have far less on their minds than humans, which is why they are able to use telepathy. But this is merely an hypothesis. I have never heard of whales being able to communicate by telepathy. If anyone that reads this has a proof that whales can do it, or knows on what could that affirmation be based, please write it!

Humans just weren't made to because they aren't under water and they can speak.

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