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No, not if the accounts are separate. Married couples credit ratings are only affected equally when the account is held jointly.

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Q: If you and your husband have separate credit cards will his late payments affect your credit score?
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If a credit card in husbands name only and has late payments does it affect wifes credit?

No, if the wife is not an authorized user on the credit card then it does not affect the wife's credit report. So the late payment will only be on the husband credit report.

If your husband co-signed for a car loan for his daughter and she has been late on several payments can this affect your credit rating?

Hello, Jamison here, YUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Her bad credit is your BAD credit!!!!11111

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Yes. Bill payments can affect your credit score.

If your husband buys a house without you signing the papers will your credit still be affected in the event of late payments?

do you live in a community property state? if so anything a spouse does will affect the other.

Will a foreclosure from someone's past affect their spouse's credit?

I hate to sound like a lawyer, but it depends. If you have separate credit reporting accounts, it may affect the wife's credit slightly. If there is only a joint credit account, yes, it will affect the wife's credit the same as the husband's. You can ask the 3 major credit reporting agencies (Experian, TransUnion and Equifax) to separate out your credit histories. If the foreclosure has already started, it may be too late. Get a free credit report from each (once each year) at

If a mortgage payment is 20 days late will that be reported to the credit bureaus?

Generally, late payments over 30 days late are reported to a credit reporting agency. After that, late mortgage payments can become "missed" mortgage payments. And missed payments can affect your credit score in a negative way. However, your exact late payment will depend on how your specific mortgage lender reports payments to the credit bureaus.

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just the same as any finance contract will make the payments=good dont make the payments=bad

Do late payments affect a credit score?

Yes, they will both reduce your credit score and impact future payments on that card (e.g. increased interest rate, late fee charges).

When a vehicle is purchased on credit for a husbands company by his wife and the husband does not make the payments who's responsible?

The wife is responsible as she was the one who signed the credit contract.

If you marry someone in chapter 13 can you be affected?

Unless you separate your credit reports, or keep them separate, you will get the credit score of your husband. Your joint income will be affected by his having to make the plan payments, and the Chapter 13 Trustee may want to know how much your income contributes to his expenses (if you now share utility costs, for example), although that is not likely.

Does making extra principal payments to your mortgage have any affect on your credit rating?

Yes, it will shorten the time in which the mortgage is on your credit report.

Can adding a second card holder to your credit account affect your credit score?

Not if you are responsible for all of the loans or credit card payments on your credit report. But, if the second card holder is responsible for any payments on your cards, and doesn't make them, then it can cause your score to lower.