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A good source to consult would be scientific journals focused on cell Biology, such as Nature Cell Biology, Cell Stem Cell, or Journal of Cell Science. These journals publish peer-reviewed research articles that detail the methods and findings of studies on cells.

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Q: If you are conducting research about how scientists study cells what would be the best source to consult?
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What process do scientists use to answer questions about the world for example Reids experiment with rotting meat?

Scientists use the scientific method, which involves making observations, forming a hypothesis, conducting experiments to test the hypothesis, analyzing the data, and drawing conclusions. In the case of Redi's experiment with rotting meat, Redi observed that maggots appeared on meat left out in the open, so he hypothesized that flies were responsible. He designed an experiment to test his hypothesis by covering the meat with a mesh to prevent flies from landing on it, which led to the conclusion that flies were indeed the source of the maggots.

A scientific paper that has passed through the peer review process is more respected than one that has not Why might a scientist value a peer-reviewed paper?

The described experiment meets or exceeds the standards of good science.

What organism are scientists using to eat carbon dioxide?

Scientists are using certain species of bacteria and algae to consume carbon dioxide as part of a process called carbon capture and storage (CCS). These organisms use the carbon dioxide as a source of food for growth, helping to reduce the concentration of this greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.

What type of education is needed to be a forensic serologist?

To become a forensic serologist, you typically need a bachelor's degree in forensic science, biology, chemistry, or a related field. Some positions may require a master's degree or higher for advanced research roles. Additionally, gaining hands-on experience through internships or working in a forensic laboratory is highly beneficial in this field.

What is the best source for current scholarly research on recombinant DNA?

One of the best sources for current scholarly research on recombinant DNA is academic databases such as PubMed, ScienceDirect, and Web of Science. These databases contain a wide range of peer-reviewed journal articles, reviews, and research papers on the topic. Additionally, checking the websites of major scientific journals like Nature, Cell, and Science can also provide access to the latest research in this field.

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I don’t even know sorry

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No, not fully understood but most of the source and system have understood by scientists.

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