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Depends on the distance from us. If it was 100 light years away, it would have occurred 100 years ago.

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Q: If you are detecting a super nova how long ago did it occur?
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Did a super nova ever occur in your solar system?


What is the most catastrophic event to occur in the present universe?

Super Nova Explosion.

Where is super nova on Habbo?

A super nova is a very rare item of furniture.

What does nova mean?

Nova means super.

Why do planets go into super nova?

a super nova is not something that anything goes into. A SUPER NOVA is a part of a stars life cycle when it explodes. THEN all the dust and chips of the star reunite in a super nova remnent forming a COMPLETELY NEW STAR.

Who is supernova?

A super nova isn't a person. A super-nova is a high mass star's explosion.

Is a super nova a planet?

A super nova is a sun of a certain size exploding at the end of its life.

Did our solar system form from a super nova?

No a super nova didnt jesus created our universe

When does equilibrium occur in a protostar?

well to my calculations the equilibrium occurs when the gas and the dust form a giant triangle and blow up into a super nova

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What is the super giant star called?

A Super Nova.

How do you do super nova on Super Smash Bros Brawl?

You cannot get super nova i have all the melee stages and normal one as well as all the characters