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You are very entitled. But they do not have to tell any information about the policy, without consent of the insured.

Yes, if the insured person has passed and you are the beneficiary, you should call the insurance company and go through their steps to claim the benefit. It is the responsibility of someone that knows the Insured has passed to inform the Insurance Company. If no one tells them, they will assume that the insured no longer wants the policy and they will cancel it. It will require you to show a signed sealed death certificate and possibly other documents. It is sometimes different for each company. They then will issue a check to the person(s) listed on the policy as the beneficiary.

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Q: If you are listed in a life insurance policy as a beneficiary along with a person that is deceased. Who is awarded the benefits?
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It is the responsibility of the person holding the life insurance policy to keep the beneficiary data updated as necessary. In the scenario in the question, the ex girlfriend was listed as the beneficiary ... and will be awarded the proceeds from the policy. Unfortunately, there is little the spouse can do to stop that. The beneficiary designation is binding and will hold up in a court of law.

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You can only collect on the life insurance if you were awarded this at time of divorce. I was awarded the ability to take out a life insurance policy on my ex. as I receive a military retirement which only exists if he is alive. After his death, it would stop, therefore I have the life insurance policy.

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it will go to probate and the courts will have a long list of things for you to do before any money is awarded.

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Life insurance is where you pay premiums periodically for a set number of years and then when you pass away the value of your life insurance policy is awarded to the beneficiary you choose (usually a spouse or your children) to pay for your outstanding debts, funeral, tuition, retirement, etc. so they don't have to pay for those expenses out-of-pocket.

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Supplemental Security Insurance/Income. A form of SS benefits that are awarded to persons who do not qualify for regular SS or SSD benefits yet are in need of assistance due to specific reasons.

How long must an employer pay unemployment benefits in Illlinois for a terminated eemployee?

The employer does not pay unemployment benefits. The employer pays unemployment insurance premiums to the State of lllinois. When the employee is terminated, the employee applies for unemployment benefits with the State of Illinois. The state determines if the employee is eligible for benefits and, if the employee is awarded benefits, those benefits are paid and monitored by the State of Illinois.

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Any age can be listed, but benefit goes to guardian/secondary if under age at time it is awarded.

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Are you entitled to any of your husbands social security disability benefits after divorce?

Only if you were awarded a portion of the benefits in the divorce action.

When you are awarded Social Security Disability why do you have to repay a portion of your benefit to the insurance carrier when you paid LTD benefits through your employer with after tax dollars?

There are two circumstances in which you would have to repay benefits once you qualify for Social Security disability benefits:The first is if you own an individual Disability policy that includes a Social Insurance offset benefit. Social Insurance benefits are benefits that the insurance company pays on a disability claim, but will offset dollar-for-dollar with social security benefits.The second is if someone receiving benefits from a group Disability policy is eligible for social security benefits. Every group policy will have a provision in the contract that explains how benefits will be handled when a claimant is eligible for social security benefits. As much as group policies are great because they are less expensive and usually can be obtained without medical underwriting, the contract itself is not as good. In a sense, you get what you pay for. Most group disability policies will offset dollar-for-dollar with any social security benefits received, including personal and family benefits. In many situations the amount you will receive from the actual disability insurance company will be minimal.More specific to the question being asked - it can take a long time for social security benefits to be approved and paid. Therefore, many times the insurance companies will pay out benefits during months in which a claimant was technically eligible for social security benefits. Once the social security benefits are approved and paid, the claimant will be expected to repay the insurance company for all benefits paid that would otherwise have been offset. A claimant will not be expected to repay benefits for months in which they were not eligible for social security disability benefits.

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Malpractice insurance is not something a patient would purchase. Malpractice insurance is a product that the surgeon who performed the operation should possess. His insurance will cover any damages awarded.