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I am afraid you have got your dates wrong or there is no baby.

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you will not start seeing the bumb of the baby until about month 3-4

you wont see the baby itself until you give birth to it.

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Q: Is it normal if you cant see the baby the 9 weeks?
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Can baby puppies see?

As soon as they are born no. Around 3 weeks is when they're eyes open and they cant really see clearly until around 5 weeks.

I am 6 weeks pregnant and had a ultrasound last week when I was 5 weeks they couldn't see the baby yet my levels have gone from 64 to 6200 is it normal not to see the baby in a 5 week ultrasound?

That is quite normal. the baby is not yet large enough to see at 5 weeks though it is developing rapidly. I work at an OBGYN office, and that is absoutley normal!! You can not typically see an embryo on an ultra sound until you are between 6-8 weeks. You levels were great! You should be fine at your next visit when you can see the baby. You can also see a flutter of light on the ultra sound that is the babies heart beat! good luck!

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The same reason baby humans cant see. They're born with their eyes closed. They open in about 2 weeks

8 weeks pregnant went in for ultrasound saw sac but no baby now have to wait for another week for another ultrasound is it normal to be off on the weeks pregnant?

it is called a blighted ovum if your counting of the age of gestation is correct and yet no baby is formed except of the sac. on the otherhand if you are not sure of your counting then do an ultrasound 1-2 weeks after your first ultrasound to see whether the baby develops or not at all. just cant flawlessly explain the blighted ovum. check out on the web or much better ask your physician.

I am 5 weeks pregnant. Is it too early to get a sonogram?

No its not too early, but sometimes you cant really see anything more than the sac that surrounds the fetus. The baby is to small. But it has a heartbeat, although you may not hear it. And it doesnt "look" like a baby yet. But its a baby. Around 9 weeks, the baby will look like a miniature baby, tho. And around 10-11 weeks your doctor can probably find the heartbeat with a doppler.

Is a sonagram more accurate at 18 weeks or 34 weeks?

both are.. but at 34 weeks the baby is bigger and at 18 weeks the baby is moving and turning inside your stomach and its beautiful to be able to see it and you can also see what you are having at 18 weeks if the baby legs aren't close together...congrat and best of luck

Why you cant see visible light?

If your vision is normal, then you CAN see visible light.

If I am 28 weeks pregnant and meausuring at 31 weeks is this normal?

no you should see a Dr. immediately . your baby could get to big and you'll go into labor early this happened to me and my babies died i was having sextuplets and they all died so see your Dr. to get a sea section

When can babies see clearly?

it will be a couple of weeks (1 or 2) for a baby to see clearly

Can a baby teeth at 3 months old?

Yes they do but you cant see them?

Is it normal to get sharp pain at FOUR weeks pregnant?

No it is not, see your doctor.

Can you see the baby in the stomach?

You will never be able to see your baby's heartbeat in your stomach. But at around 6 weeks, you can see it in your womb via ultrasound. Usually over 6 weeks it can be heard through a fetal heart monitor too.