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When you turn 18. Being pregnant/having a child does not emancipate a minor.

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Q: If you are seventeen and pregnant when can you legally move out of your parents house in Tennessee?
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I live in Tennessee and I am pregnant can I move out of my parents home legally?

I think it depends on how old you are.

If a seventeen year old gets pregnant can she legally get married and drop out of school in the state of Tennessee?

No, pregnancy does not make one an adult. She will still require the permission of her parents or a court order. Even to drop out of school would require permission from the parents.

Can you move out of your parents home legally at seventeen if your pregnant?

No, you are not emancipated automatically when you are pregnant. It does not mean one has the ability to take care of yourself. You do have certain rights as to obtaining assistance for you and your child, but you are still the responsibility of your parents until you turn 18.

Is a pregnant 16 year old considered legally emancipated in Tennessee?

Being pregnant does not make them an adult. Until they are 18 years of age the parents determine where you live.

Are parents legally resonsible for a seventeen year old if she leaves home?


Can you legally move out of your parents house without their consent at the age of seventeen in the state of Georgia?


Can I legally move out of my parent's house without consent in GA if i am pregnant at seventeen?

No. Pregnancy/giving birth does not emancipate a minor. You are still subject to your parents rules and authority until you turn 18.

If a child is seventeen can they legally leave home if their parents say no?

No, not legally. The minimum legal age of majority for any state is 18.

Can a seventeen year old legally move out of one parents house to to the others in the state of Kentucky?


Can a Washington seventeen and a half year old female move out legally?

Not without her parents permission.

If a girl gets pregnant is she legally emancipated from her parents?

No, becoming pregnant does not automatically emancipate a minor from their parents. Emancipation is a legal process that must be granted by a court or through marriage, reaching the age of majority, or joining the military, depending on the jurisdiction. Pregnancy alone does not typically grant emancipation.

What age can you legally move out in Tennessee?

In Tennessee, the legal age to move out of your parents' home without their consent is 18. This is when you are considered an adult in the eyes of the law.