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Driving north will not use more gas than driving south. The same amount of gas will be used no matter what direction you take, as long as road conditions are the same.

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3w ago

The direction you are traveling in won't directly impact gas usage. Factors like speed, road conditions, and driving habits have a bigger influence on fuel consumption. However, if you are traveling in a direction with strong headwinds or uphill, you might experience slightly higher gas usage compared to traveling in the opposite direction.

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Q: If you are traveling north on a car will it used more gas insted of traveling south?
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In the southern hemisphere the north pole of a compass needle?

points towards the south. In the southern hemisphere, the Earth's magnetic field causes the north pole of a compass needle to point towards the magnetic south pole.

Is the momentum of a car traveling south different from that of the same car when it travels north at the same speed?

No, the momentum of the car is the same regardless of its direction of travel as long as the speed is constant. Momentum depends on the mass and velocity of an object, not its direction.

Why does a compass needle spin toward the magnet when yu put it near a magnet?

A compass needle is essentially a small magnet itself. When you bring a magnet near the compass, the magnetic field of the magnet causes the compass needle to align with the magnetic field lines of the magnet, which is why the needle spins towards the magnet.

If two bicycles have the same mass but one is traveling at 10 ms and the other is traveling at 15 ms which has more kinetic energy?

The bicycle traveling at 15 m/s has more kinetic energy because kinetic energy is proportional to the square of the velocity. Since the mass is the same for both bicycles, the one traveling faster will have a greater kinetic energy.

If a ball is rolling and ramp you apply more force in the direction it is traveling what will happen?

If you apply more force in the direction the ball is already traveling, it will accelerate and its speed will increase. The additional force will cause the ball to roll faster along the ramp.

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